As we continue to share in this Easter season, may we be helped to say
yes to life,
yes to a new beginning,
yes to the presence that gives us courage
for whatever is ahead of us.

May the symbols of this place,
cross and table,
book and candle,
bread and wine,
speak strength and courage to our hearts and minds,
as we come and as we go.

When our minds have turned inwards and our hearts are small,
may we know we are connected to a bigger world
at many levels
and with many kinds of relationships.

We pray for ourselves
and people of all persuasions and religions - that we will
recognise a sacred presence,
become part of a helpful perspective,
and know the need for a creative acceptance.

All around the world we pray for the awareness
of the requirements laid upon us all -
that people will love, not hate
help, not hinder
enhance, not sabotage
strengthen, not destroy.

So may the stones of discord and unbelief be rolled away.
The stones of apathy and selfishness be rolled away.
The stones of pain and despair be rolled away.
May our lives be transformed and our bodies become alive!

May it be so.