Prayers / Affirmations
Prayer Soft-theistic
God of all seasons, of all moods
God of all creation, Source of Life
O deep mystery, vital centre of our lives
God of sunrise and of surprises
Thanks be to God, Source of all Life and Being
Ever present God, source and ground of all
Source of life and death, ground of all being
Prayer Non/Post-theistic
In the midst of our everyday.Winter
As we gather in the silence of this sacred place
There is rarely enough silence
In this caring and supportive community
As we continue to share… Easter3
We gather to honour and affirm life
This moment of quiet is an invitation
Here, in this space made sacred
Enter with me that still place within
During this time of prayer and quiet reflection
We come from different places2
Six hymns based on ‘The Canberra Affirmation’
95 Theses or Articles of Faith. Matthew Fox
The Time has Come! A Manifesto. John S Spong
The Seven Tenets of the Theology of Theopraxy
The 21 Theses for the Re-formation of the Church
Common Dreams Statement in Response to Uluru Statement from the Heart