 ’Refresh’ each page before reading to make sure to get my latest edition

The Other Lectionary’ is a suggested ‘southern hemisphere’ Lectionary (with a few Resources added) offered in parallel to, 
or even replacement of, the RCL which is in standard use by many

Check out Articles for some past writings on Christmas

CELEBRATION OF LIFE the end the universe can only be explained in terms of celebration. 
It is all an exuberant expression of existence itself”

24 December 2024. Christmas Eve. (White).
The Banquet of the Cosmos

Acknowledgement of Country/First Peoples
(An act towards reconciliation)

For thousands of years Indigenous people have walked
in this land, on their own country.
Their relationship with the land is at the centre of their lives.

We acknowledge the (NN) People of the (N) Nation, past, present, emerging,
and their stewardship of this land throughout the ages.

First Peoples Statement to the Nation 2017 is called “Uluru Statement from the Heart” 
A Response from Common Dreams5 Conference of Religious Progressives,
Australia/South Pacific 2019

Both found in Affirmations/Manifestoes
And we recognise and give thanks that we humans
are creatures of the Earth living in the ecosystem
—flowers, trees and insects; land, waters and mountain range—
that is unique to (NN).
May we honour one another and honour life itself.

(NN) is a safe place for all people to worship regardless of
race, creed, age, cultural background or sexual orientation

A Liturgy for a Blue Christmas/Long Night Service can be found in Archives


Rich and Striking Visuals
          “The function of beauty… is to make us aware of a reality which is richer and deeper 
          and more marvellous than anything we can dream or conceive.” (Henry N. Wieman)
OR Floral/Symbols display (cloths, candles, stones, wood, leaves, flowers, earth, water) OR projection of Film/Video 

Gathering Music


If in the Southern Hemisphere
Entry into the Celebration
The gong is struck three times

From the east to the west,
flowing towards all people on earth.
comes the gentle light of hope
born in human form.  (Dorothy McRae-McMahon/Adapted)
Watch and see, the wonder of the gift.

On this Christmas Eve may we celebrate
the richness and diversity of life.

If in the Northern Hemisphere
In darkness seeds are drawn to germinate, 
flowers prepare to bloom and our dreams unfold.
All   Darkness is gift.

In darkness, the edges blur. Boundaries between reality and fantasy,
 between friend and stranger become fluid, opening new possibilities.
All   Darkness is gift.

In darkness, when our eyes rest, our ears become more attentive to the sounds of story, 
of lullaby, of wind, of loved ones breathing in the night.
All  Darkness is gift.

In the darkness, we find space for reflection; 
for deep, dream filled and refreshing sleep. 
We are bidden to journey into the unconscious.
All  Darkness is gift.

In the darkness of the womb, we were formed in great complexity. 
Under the cover of darkness, many creatures have their being. 
Only in the deepest darkness, can we see the star- studded sky.
All  Darkness is a gift of grace. 
On this longest night, we celebrate the many gifts of darkness
.  (Non-Theistic Liturgy)

Music of Reflection

Christmas Eve is a time for candlelight.
It is a time when one desires little more
than family and soft music.

Who can say what passes through our hearts on Christmas Eve?
Strange thoughts.
Undefinable emotions.
Sudden tears.

Christmas Eve is a time to be quietly glad.
It is a time to wonder, to give thanks,
and of quiet awakening to beauty
that still lives on through the strife
of a war-torn world.

And Christmas Eve is also a time for memories and remembering.

For some, the memories are of loved family members
who have died, and the festive season
makes the pain of those losses ever more real.

For others, the memories are of happier times than we know now,
felt as the anguish of broken relationships,
the insecurity around employment,
the anxiety of illness or poor health,
or the emptiness of loss after drought or bushfire.

All these feelings are with us this night as we gather in this sacred place.
Here we are safe to feel what we feel:
to acknowledge our sadness,
to share our concern,
to release our anger,
to face our emptiness,
and still to know that God by what ever name,
is made present in the caring thoughts and deeds of others.

So let us  be and share and remember and receive,
assured that we are not alone in our life experiences.

A brief period of silence is kept

Bowl of Tears
As a symbol of the memories of those loved and lost
we place this bowl of tears in this special place.
A bowl of water is put in place

Remembering Candles
This first candle we light
to remember those whom we have loved and lost.
(First candle is lit)

We pause to remember
their name,
their face,
their voice,
the memory that binds them to us in this season.
All   May our caring love surround them

This second candle we light is to mend the pain of loss.
The loss of relationships,
the loss of jobs,
the loss of health
the loss of home.
(Second candle is lit)

We pause to gather up the pain of the past and offer it to God,
asking that from God's hands
we receive the gift of peace.
All  Refresh, restore, renew us Gracious God,
and lead us into the future.

This third candle we light
is to remember ourselves this Christmas time.
(Third candle is lit)

We pause and remember the past weeks and months and years:
the disbelief,
the anger,
the down times,
the poignancy of reminiscing,
the hugs and handshakes of family and friends,
all those who stood with us.

We give thanks for all the support we have known.
All  Let us remember that dawn defeats darkness.

This fourth candle we light
to remember the gift of hope
which the Christmas story offers to us.
(Fourth candle is lit)

We remember that God is our companion, who shares our life,
blessing us, and fills us with longing and with courage.
All   Let us remember the One who holds us in love.

May the warmth of these candles radiate
A ray of hope,
A spark of joy,
A glow of love,
To all earth’s inhabitants...
 The gong is struck three times

Note: Check out 'Special Liturgies’ (this site) for the following:

(i) A suggested process for introducing new hymns is called Hymn of the Month
(ii) Additional Special Purpose Hymns cover major international events or themes.They include these categories: 1. Bush (Brush) Fire, 2. Tsunami, Storms/Cyclones, 3. Earthquakes, 4. War/Remembrance, 5. Caregiving, 6. God as Mother, 7. Human Trafficking, 8. Disabled, 9. Migration/Refugees, 10. Terrorist Attacks, 11. Science/Cosmology
(iii) Specific resources on
(iv) On
Wonder, Awe, and Nature

Hymn/Song The people stand as they are able, to sing
God Molds the Shapes of Life"  (Tune:  66.66.88)                                                      38 TMT
God molds the shapes of life,
drawing the flow of tides,
firing the sunlight's blaze,
glazing the night with pride:
God gives the love which warms and moves
the patterned rhythm life provides.

Ponder the rising sap
changing to leaf's decay;
think of the winter's death
turning to spring's new day,
and in these cycles find the shapes
of all God dreams and all God makes.

Pulse of the veins and lungs,
seasons of human hearts -
patterns that intertwine,
shaping our thought and art;
all these are part of nature's flow -
the life of God we reap and sow.

Sing to the God of change,
chaos, and fine design;
hallow the ordered forms
filled with the life divine.
In God the universe is one
and sings the hymn which God first sung!  William L Wallace


Come Celebrate…” (Tune: ‘Gift of Life’, Colin Gibson)                                                               17 HoS
Come celebrate the gift of life:
creation’s journey from the star
whose first great flaring forth of light
responded to God’s word of power.
Enable us, O God, to see
your living word is in us still;
this vibrant possibility
within our human lives fulfill.

Come celebrate the gift of love,
potential in each human soul,
revealed by Jesus as he strove
to heal our world and make us whole.
Enable us, O God, to choose
beyond the inborn needs of self;
in loving, be prepared to lose
our boundaries, and find new life.

Come celebrate the gift of power:
the flow of God within each soul,
which calls us in this present hour
to see creation as a whole.
Enable us, O God, to know
your life is present in all things;
and may our lives, within that flow,
reflect the joy creation sings. (Margaret Bond)
The people sit after the hymn

 Or in your own words

A warm welcome is extended to all.
Especially those who are gathering at (NN) during this Christmas season, 
for the first time or who have returned after an absence.

Your presence both enriches us and this time of celebration together.
Refer to printed liturgy.
Those visiting, please sign our Visitors book


A warm welcome is extended to all.
Especially those who may be joining us for a first time.

Your presence enriches this gathering and contributes to 
the creative evolution of community. 
Thanks for the gift of you!  (Central United, Moncton, Canada)


Centering Silence
        Centering silence has its roots in the earliest of monastic traditions of the ‘desert Fathers (abbas)/Mothers (ammas)’ 
        and the Christian mystic tradition… Relaxing into ‘quietness’ creates the space for deep listening and draws you into yourself

Let there now be a quiet time among us.

May this time renew our hope.
May it refresh our courage.
May it lift our spirits.
May it restore us in faith.

Special Music


Wisdom from the World/Religious Traditions
        “Wisdom is not just special knowledge about something. Wisdom is a way of being, a way of inhabiting the world. 
        The beauty of wisdom is harmony, belonging and illumination of thought, action, heart and mind.” (John O’Donohue)

Reader:  Holiness, Word, music, song -
into this night, your cry comes, once again.
All   Open our ears to hear you.
Open our mouths to sing you.
Open our very lives,

That we might live you in the world,
All   Light within Light(Gretta Vosper/hb)

• Isaiah 9:2-7  (Inclusive Text)

The people that walked in darkness has seen a great light;
on those who live in a land of deep shadow a light has shone.

You have made their gladness greater,
you have made their joy increase;
they rejoice in your presence
as harvesters rejoice at harvest time,
as men are happy when they are dividing the spoils.

For the yoke of Israel's burden,
and the staff for its shoulder, the rod of its oppressor,
you have broken as on the day of Midian.

For there is a child born for us.
An heir given to us upon whose shoulder government will rest.

They will name this one:
Wonder-Counselor, Mighty-God,
Eternal-Father, Prince-of-Peace.

This dominion - and this peace - will grow without end,
on David's judgement seat and over David's realm,
established and made secure in justice and integrity,
from this time onward and forevermore.

The zeal of our God of hosts will do this.

• "Christmas Conception"
By Jim Burklo. Musings, December 2021

A cool clear dawn in early spring:
She stepped outside to fill her jug
With water from the village well.

“What is happening to my feet?”
She whispered as she walked along.
They’d never felt so full of life…

They seemed to float above the ground.
And up her legs and through her thighs
A tingling rush arose and swelled.

The inner glow lit up her groin
And moved into her chest and head;
She had no words for what she felt.

The earth stays round by gravity
Pulling things toward itself,
But earth’s a seed that yearns to bloom.

The force that pulls in turn rebounds
With lava bursting out from deeps
And water bubbling up in springs

And love divine that percolates
Up every break in everything
To find and fill an open heart.

A power Mary could not name
Pushed through the earth and up her frame
Into her heart, into her womb.

She welcomed it and let it glow,
Encouraged it to dwell and grow;
Make her more human and divine.

She passed that love into her son,
Who offered it to everyone;
May it rise through us, each and all,
At Christmas.


• “Demiurge”
By D H Lawrence

They say that reality exists only in the spirit
that corporal existence is a kind of death
that pure being is bodiless
that the idea of the form precedes the form substantial.
But what nonsense it is!
as if any mind could have imagined a lobster
dozing in the under-deeps, then reaching out a savage and iron claw!
Even the mind of God can only imagine
those things that have become themselves:
bodies and presences, here and now, creatures with a foothold in creation
even if only a lobster on tip-toe.
Religion knows better than philosophy.
Religion knows that Jesus was never Jesus
till he was born from a womb, and ate soup and bread
and grew up, and became, in the wonder of creation, Jesus,
with a body and with needs and with a lovely spirit.


• “For So The Children Come”
By Sophia Lyon Fahs/Singing the Living Tradition/616

For so the children come
And so they have been coming.
All  Always in the same way they come
born of the seed of man and woman.

No angels herald their beginnings.
No prophets predict their future courses.
All  No wisemen see a star to show
where to find the babe that
will save humankind.

Yet each night a child is born is a holy night,
All  Fathers and mothers—sitting beside their children’s cribs
feel glory in the sight of a new life beginning

They ask, “'Where and how will this new life end?
Or will it ever end?”
All  Each night a child is born is a holy night—
A time for singing,
A time for wondering,
A time for worshipping

Hymn/Song  People remain seated to sing
"Here in the Dryness and Dust”  (Tune: ‘Spean’,
Here in the dryness and dust of our climate,
snow is remote as the tale we repeat,
barren the ground in the heat of the outback,
barren the welcome: they wait on the street.

Mary and Joseph stand stunned and disabled,
wonder what shelter they'll find for the night,
here in the colour and warmth of the sunshine
we can imagine the fear of their plight.

Warm is the straw on the floor of the stable,
soft is the sun as it filters through trees,
now it is Christmas we welcome the Christ-child,
all of creation is brought to its knees.

Love is incarnate, the source of all being
cradled by Mary, yes, born on this earth;
looking she loves him, though strained and exhausted,
knowing her child is of infinite worth.   © Andrew Pratt


There Is No Child So Small” (Tune: ‘Jewel’)                                                            133(i) HoS
There is no child so small,
no scrap of life so precious
who is not born like Jesus,
whose cry is like us all.

There is no child unfed,
left hungry now at Christmas
but God will ask for justice,
for shelter and for bread.

There is no child so lost,
no refugee so nameless
that God will hold us blameless,
who share no care or cost.

There is no child so cheap,
in warfare or destruction
that love cannot take action
when God is made to weep.

There is not one of us
who could not be more giving,
and in the gift more loving,
to light a star for peace.  (Shirley Erena Murray)

• Luke 2:1-14  (Inclusive Text)

Caesar Augustus issued a decree for a census of the world to be taken.
This census - the first - took place while Quirinus
was governor of Syria, and everyone
went to their own town to be registered.

So Joseph set out from the town of Nazareth in Galilee
and travelled up to Judea, to the town of David called Bethlehem,
since he was of David's House and line,
in order to be registered together with Mary,
his betrothed, who was with child.

While they were there, the time came for her to have her child,
and she gave birth to a son, her first-born.

She wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger
because there was no place for them in the inn.

In the countryside close by there were shepherds
who lived in the fields and took it in turns to watch their flocks during the night.
The angel of God appeared to them and the glory of God
shone around them. They were terrified, but the angel said,
'Do not be afraid. Listen, I bring you news of great joy,
a joy to be shared by the whole people.

'Today in the town of David a saviour has been born to you who is the Christ.

'And here is a sign for you:
you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.'

And suddenly with the angel there was a great throng of the heavenly host, 
 praising God and singing, 
 'Glory to God in the highest heaven, 
and peace to all who enjoy God's favour’.

Contemporary Exploration

Silence for Personal Reflection


A Christmas Litany (Optional)
People stand as they are able

Blessed are they who find Christmas
in the fragrant eucalypt,
the song of the cicada,
and the soft flicker of candles...
All  To them shall come memories of love and happiness.

Blessed are they who find Christmas
in the Christmas star...
All  Their lives may ever reflect its light and beauty.

Blessed are they who find Christmas
in the age-old story of a child born in a stable and laid in a manger...
All  To them a little child will always mean
hope and promise in a troubled world.

Blessed are they who find Christmas
in the joy of gifts sent lovingly to others...
All  They shall share the gladness and joy
of the shepherds and sages of old.

Blessed are they who find Christmas
in the message of Jesus of Nazareth...
All  They shall ever strive to help bring
peace on earth, good will to all.  
(Adapted-Celebrating Christmas/52)
People sit  

In Solidarity
With another Christmas
we celebrate the gift of life itself
and the gift of every resource that enhances life.

Above all, we are thankful for the life and spirit of Jesus of Nazareth,
for leading us to put our hope and trust in the spirit of life and love
moving in the depths of our being.

May we too be creators of a better world.
May we find a good purpose and satisfaction in the life that we are given.
May we leave behind us a trail of encouragement and hope.
May it be so.

Sharing 'The Peace’
May a heart of peace rest with you.
All  And also with you.  (David Galston/q)
You are invited to share the peace with your neighbours


Facing the person with right hand on your heart and a slight bow of the head…

The Divine in me honours the Divine in you.

The Light in me recognises the Light in you.

The spirit within me sees the spirit within you.

Hymn/Song  People stand as they are able, to sing
"Poets Tell..."  (Tune: 'Regent Square', 87.87.47 Extend)                                                               5 CCS
Poets, tell the ancient story,
sing the universal song;
Take from war its cruel glory,
speed love’s triumph over wrong.
Hate belies it,
Doubt denies it
Peace on earth, good-will to all!

Calm the angry pride of nations,
stay the threat of holocaust.
Let all peoples’ lifted voices
call for peace, lest earth be lost
Fear rejects it,
Hope expects it
Peace on earth, good-will to all!

Prophets, speak with greater power;
leaders, mark your mission clear,
Match the challenge of this hour,
rid the world of hate and fear.
Faith believes it,
Love achieves it
Peace on earth, good-will to all!  Ed T Buehrer
The people sit



Beginnings and endings shape this meal gathering today.
We celebrate a faithful, strong past.
We prepare for a future yet to be conceived.
We call it the rhythm of life.

Introduction (Optional)
Members of the Jesus movements regularly ate a meal together
when they met as a community.

It was a characteristic that they had in common
with virtually every other social group in their world.
It was considered primary to the early developments
in the movements’ meal liturgy.

These meal traditions were not about personal salvation or payment for sin.
Instead, they were about actions and offering hospitality, social identity,
and being in solidarity with those around us.

The liturgical movements centred on celebration, presence, and joy.
I invite you into the spirit of those meals…

v1  May it be well with you.
All  And also with you.

v1  Sacred is the cosmos, whirling, expanding, living, dying,
yearning for abundance and freedom.
All  We come to this table awe-struck creatures
conscious that as we take these few short steps
the whole cosmos—gathered up in us—journeys with us, and in us.
v2  How can we not stand in awe.
Those same vast processes that created 
galaxies and suns and stars and planets,
continue to shape our existence…

v1  Out of the Big Bang the stars;
All Out of the stardust the Earth;
Out of the molecules of the Earth, life.
v1  Earth was planted with the seeds of its future;
by the sacrifice of our sun,
Earth flowered forth.
In the human species, nature became conscious of itself
and open to fulfilment in grace and glory.
All  Blessed be Earth.
Earth, our home.

v2 We celebrate the interconnectedness that is our life—all life.
Stardust and mountains,
wild flowers and rain forests;
gilled ones of river and sea
and the feathered ones of the air;
kangaroo and desert dingo,
earth-worm, butterfly, and bacteria;
First Peoples and recent arrivals;
sacred wisdom of sages and the consciousness of prophets.

v1 Every day we encounter the cosmos.
All  It is our bodies, our food our air our everything.
v1  One thing is made up of all other things.
All  Being and beauty flow freely through
all the universe in this great procession of life.

Bread and White Wine
v1 As we gather together to share and eat food
we also remember the stories around all the meals
in the wisdom tradition of the Galilean sage we call Jesus…

v2  Born of a woman and the Hebrew gene pool,
he was a creature of earth, a moment in the biological evolution of this planet.
v1  Like all human beings, he carried within himself
the signature of the supernovas
and the geology and life history of the Earth…
v2  For just as the Milky Way is the universe in the form of a galaxy,
and the Wedge-tailed Eagle is the universe in the form of a bird,
he was and we are, the universe in the form of a human.
All  May we care for our planet.
May we nurture this piece of stardust!
May we celebrate with the cosmos!

v1 And so we remember the living tradition…
How, during a meal, he would take Bread, give thanks, break it,
and share it with his friends.
Bread is broken

v2  This piece of bread is the body of the whole cosmos.
Look deeply and you notice the sunshine in the bread,
the blue sky in the bread,
the clouds and the great earth in the bread.

The whole cosmos has come together
in order to bring to us this piece of bread.
(Short silence)

v1 And after conversation he would pour a cup of Wine,
offer thanks for it, and share it with his friends.
White wine is poured out

v2  Since all food is cosmic and born of the sun and photosynthesis,
sharing a meal of bread and wine
renders the universe both sacred and intimate.

For what is more intimate than eating food and drinking drink
whether together or alone?
(Short silence)

v1 Bread and Wine,
Elements for life on Earth…
In solidarity with life…

v2  In sharing this banquet, we in our time and place,
enter into a new relationship,
with sacred wisdom,
with the planet, and
with one another,
All  to feel our kinship with all life,
to raise our voice in the service of life,
All  to love kindness, and to seek justice,
to live in harmony
All and awaken to peace.

v2 May we sense the wonder of what might yet be.
All  We are part of Earth
Earth is part of us.

v1 And as we consider this Earth, our home,
All  may we continue to walk upon it
gently and with reverence.

The Bread and White Wine is served is small groups around the Gathering space


Hymn/Song   The people stand as they are able, to sing
All Over Creation” (Tune: ‘Elizabeth’)                                                                                        3(v1-2) COC
All over creation
joy spills into light,
stars, candles ablaze this Christmas night;
where Jesus is sleeping,
peace kisses the earth,
O that we could know who Mary has brought to birth!

This child will bring freedom,
this child will release
wellsprings of compassion, ways to peace,
this child will bring healing,
this child will inspire
love answering love, and spirit to Spirit's fire.


Of Home” (Tune: ‘Woodlands’,
To dream of home while on that dusty road
meant Nazareth, yet they neared Bethlehem,
that house of bread; another sign of home,
a place for birth, yet there's no room for them.

And home is where there's room for love and life,
a place to rest, or noisy, or unblessed,
with, sometimes, hidden laughter, buried strife;
yet this is where we are and make the best.

Parting Words
Walk carefully as you go from here,
All  God is there before us.
Walk humbly as you go from here,
All  the city and suburbs awaits our coming.
Walk softly as you go from here,
for the Spirit is abroad in all the earth,
All  and the voice of the Spirit speaks in every place.

Words of Blessing
May the blessing in the strength of the Brindabellas,
the calm of Lake Burley Griffin
the freshness of gum tree and wild flower
remain with you...

And may peace and creativity go with us always.
All  Amen. May it be so!

Hymn/Song (Cont.)  “All Over Creation” (Tune: ‘Elizabeth’)                                                       3(v3-4) COC
This child will befriend us,
this child will invite
all children to share his world's delight:
this Christ will confront us
when, children no more,
we plunder our planet, crying from want and war.

Let there be a moment
held, as in one breath,
when all the earth turns away from death,
peace nursing creation,
peace spreading her wing,
O that we could know what Christmas is meant to bring!  (Shirley Erena Murray)


Of Home” (Tune: ‘Woodlands’,
Great God, they called you 'love' and so you are,
incarnate, given over to our hands.
Your love above all else will take us far,
then draw us home again from many lands.  © Andrew Pratt 5/12/2009
The people sit after the hymn/song

Recessional Music

You are invited to keep this copy of the liturgy and take it home with you
to share with another member of your family, or with a friend

Please include any reproduction of hymns/songs for local church use
on your Music Licence returns, as appropriate

Some of the Resources used in Shaping this Liturgy:
(COC) Carol Our Christmas. A Book of New Zealand Carols. Raumati. New Zealand Hymnbook Trust, 1996.
(CCS) Celebrating Christmas in Song. Thirteen New Carols. Boston. UUA, 1983.
(HoS) Hope Is Our Song. New Hymns and Songs from Aotearoa New Zealand. Palmerston North. New Zealand Hymnbook Trust, 2009.
Inclusive Readings. Year C Brisbane. Inclusive Language Project. In private circulation, 2006.
Lawson, P. R.  Jesus Circles. Xlibris Corporation, 2003.
Prewer, B. D. Australian Prayers. Adelaide. OpenBook Publishers, 1983.
Seaburg, C. (ed). Celebrating Christmas. An Anthology. Boston. UUMA, 1983. 
(SLT) Singing The Living Tradition. Boston. UUA, 1993.
Vosper, G. Holy Breath. Prayers for Worship and Reflection. New & Revised edition. Brisbane. The Centre for Progressive Religious Thought Brisbane, 2004/2010.
Vosper, G. Another Breath. Prayers for Celebration and Reflection. Brisbane. The Centre for Progressive Religious Thought Brisbane, 2009/2010.
(TMT) Wallace, W. L. The Mystery Telling. Hymns and Songs for the New Millennium. Kingston. Selah Publishing, 2001.

Web sites/Other:
Williams. UUA Worship Web. Boston:
Faith Works. Boston: UUA. (Collected by Jacqui James).
"Of Home” and “ Here in the Dryness and Dust". Andrew Pratt eMail copy. 2009. Direct from the author.
Dorothy McRae-McMahon. 2005.  "Christmas Liturgy: The light shines in the darkness". Insights Magazine web site.
David Galston. Quest Learning Centre for Religious Literacy. <>
Nancy Steeves. A resource adapted from the St Stephen’s Non-Theistic Liturgy Project. <
The ‘Cosmos Banquet' shaped by Rex A E Hunt from the various thoughts of Bruce Sanguin, Gretta Vosper, Thich Nhat Hanh, Pierre Teihard de Chardin, David Bumbaugh, Elizabeth Johnson, Matthew Fox, Thomas Berry, Margie Abbott, David Galston, Norman Habel…