Suggestion: ’Refresh’ each page before reading to make sure to get my latest edition
‘The Other Lectionary’ is a suggested ‘southern hemisphere’ Lectionary (with a few Resources added) offered in parallel to,
or even replacement of, the RCL which is in standard use by many.
We need a new configuration of liturgy and climate to celebrate Easter in Australia.
In the southern hemisphere we cannot exploit the theme of Spring’s new life.
Perhaps the theme of refreshing coolness would be an excellent substitute to enrich our appreciation of the Easter event.
April in Australia is a pleasant, refreshing month.
Its arrival brings a sense of relief from the thick blanket of summer
as we are rejuvenated by a touch of coolness.
For us, this is Eastertime…
“ the end the universe can only be explained in terms of celebration.
It is all an exuberant expression of existence itself”
20 April 2025. Easter Day. (White).
Celebrating Belonging in Baptism
Celebrating Community in the Tradition of the Meal
Acknowledgement of Country/First Peoples
(An act towards reconciliation)
For thousands of years Indigenous people have walked
in this land, on their own country.
Their relationship with the land is at the centre of their lives.
We acknowledge the (NN) People of the (NN) Nation, past, present, emerging,
and their stewardship of this land throughout the ages.
First Peoples Statement to the Nation 2017 is called “Uluru Statement from the Heart”
A Response from Common Dreams5 Conference of Religious Progressives,
Australia/South Pacific 2019
Both available in Affirmations/Manifestoes
And we recognise and give thanks that we humans
are creatures of the Earth living in the ecosystem
—flowers, trees and insects; land, waters and mountain range—
that is unique to (NN).
May we honour one another and honour life itself.
(NN) is a safe place for all people to worship regardless of
race, creed, cultural background or sexual orientation
Rich and Striking Visuals
“The function of beauty… is to make us aware of a reality which is richer and deeper
and more marvellous than anything we can dream or conceive.” (Henry N. Wieman)
Artwork OR Floral/Symbols display (cloths, candles, stones, wood, leaves, flowers, earth, water) OR projection of Film/Video
Entry into the Celebration
The Gathering space has been changed since we left it on Good Friday morning.
The wooden cross is no longer present. All that remains is the outline of the cross made from the petals and leaves scattered by the women of the congregation...
The gong is sounded three times
Let us celebrate the richness and diversity of life.
Lighting of Community Candle
The Community Candle is lit
v1 Whenever we gather we light a candle as a symbol of our intentions
to live in ways that seek light, that reflect light,
and honour light in one another and in all others.
v2 We light this candle on this Easter Day
to call ourselves into newness – into the freshness of a
new day, a new week and a new beginning.
All May the light of this candle draw us to better words, deeper courage,
greater compassion, more openness to accept what is and what will be.
In this light, may we see the world with Easter eyes,
trusting in the resilience of life to bring forth life. (St Stephens)
Note: Check out 'Special Liturgies’ (this site) for the following:
(i) A suggested process for introducing new hymns is called Hymn of the Month.
(ii) Additional Special Purpose Hymns cover major international events or themes. They include these categories: 1. Bush (Brush) Fire, 2. Tsunami, Storms/Cyclones, 3. Earthquakes, 4. War/Remembrance, 5. Caregiving, 6. God as Mother, 7. Human Trafficking, 8. Disabled, 9. Migration/Refugees, 10. Terrorist Attacks, 11. Science/Cosmology
(iii) Specific resources on Terrorism
(iv) On Wonder, Awe, and Nature
Hymn/Song The people stand as they are able, to sing
“Praise to God, the World’s Creator” (Tune: 'Abbot's Leigh’, 87.87D)
Praise to God, the world’s creator,
Source of life and growth and breath,
Cradling in her arms her children,
Holding them from birth to death.
In our bodies, in our living,
Strength and truth of all we do,
God is present, working with us,
Making us creators too.
Praise to God our saving Wisdom,
Meeting us with love and grace,
Helping us to grow in wholeness,
Giving freedom, room, and space.
In our hurting, in our risking,
In the thoughts we dare not name,
God is present, growing with us,
Healing us from sin and shame.
Praise to God, the Spirit in us,
Prompting hidden depths of prayer,
Firing us to long for justice,
Reaching out with tender care.
In our searching, in our loving,
In our struggles to be free,
God is present, living in us,
Pointing us to what shall be. Jan Berry/cw
Remain standing
Opening Sentences
v2 We live at mystery's edge
watching for a startling luminescence
or a word to guide us.
All In fragile occurrence the Holy One presents oneself
and we must pause...
Daily, there are glimmers,
reflections of a seamless mercy
revealed in common intricacies.
All These circles of grace spill out around us
and announce that we are part of this mystery. KWehlander/adapted
v1 Today we celebrate life over death.
Today we celebrate the flame that lives again.
We will light the fire...
Community Candle is lit
aware that the power of resurrection
has forever changed who we are,
and given us the courage
to boldly proclaim a living faith.
Today we celebrate:
new life,
new joy,
new possibilities.
All We give thanks for the Spirit of Life
visible in Jesus,
visible in us,
visible in people in all walks of life. (Michael Morwood/pns)
Words of Awareness
Marvel at life!
Strive to know its ways!
Seek wisdom and truth,
the gateways
to life’s mysteries!
Wondrous indeed is life! (Adapt. Rabbi Rami M Shapiro/ep)
We pray:
God of terror and joy, you arise to shake the earth.
Open our graves and give us back the past;
so that all that has been buried
may be freed and forgiven,
and our lives may return to you.
May it be so.
Hymn/Song “Easter 5” (Tune: ‘Dijon’, 87.87)
In our end is our beginning,
cosmic riddle of our birth,
why the Alpha and Omega
came in flesh and came to birth.
Death will no more signal ending,
love survives beyond this life,
not diminished or extinguished
by our common human strife.
When the tears of life have ended,
when the rivers all run dry,
love exists, will flow forever
on beyond each dying sigh.
Jesus, Alpha and Omega,
Word before all worlds began,
ground of confident existence,
infinite beyond life’s span. (© Andrew Pratt 25/3/2013)
The people sit after the hymn
Or in your own words
A warm welcome is extended to all.
Especially those who are gathering at (NN) for the first time
or who have returned after an absence.
Your presence both enriches us and this time of celebration together.
Refer to printed liturgy. Fellowship hour following the Gathering
Those visiting, please sign our Visitors book.
Music of Celebration
A Liturgy is available in Liturgy Special/Archives
Baptism Hymn/Song
Now let (NN) receive the gift of the congregation
as we stand and sing the Baptism Hymn...
“When a Baby...” (Tune: 'Infant Holy', 447D.444477)
When a baby in your arms
grips your little finger tight,
but cannot tell you why,
or say your name,
remember Christmas,
a shining star above,
and tiny fingers,
clutching from the cradle,
holding you with love,
holding you with eternal love.
When a baby in your arms
gives a yelling, bawling cry,
then wails a nameless need
you can't ignore,
remember Christmas,
a shining star above,
and hear the crying,
crying from the cradle,
calling you with love,
calling you with eternal love.
When a baby in your arms
gazes deep into your eyes,
and you're the only face
that baby knows,
remember Christmas,
a shining star above,
and eyes a-gazing,
gazing from the cradle,
meeting you with love,
meeting you with eternal love. (Adapt.Brian Wren)
Parents and God parents return to their seats
Recollection of Baptism
In the very early Christianities,
when the people gathered to worship on Easter morning,
they would also be reminded of their baptism
as they witnessed the baptism of others.
This morning we, 20 centuries later, follow in that tradition...
v2 Come, Sage of Wisdom,
refresh the lives of all your faithful people.
As water is sprinkled over the congregation...
Always remember you are baptised and be thankful.
Wisdom from the World/ Religious Traditions
“Wisdom is not just special knowledge about something. Wisdom is a way of being, a way of inhabiting the world.
The beauty of wisdom is harmony, belonging and illumination of thought, action, heart and mind.” (John O’Donohue)
Reader: May we open ourselves to the seeds of wisdom
that lies dormant in this/these reading/s.
All And may our minds be fertile soil
in which it/they may grow strong and true. (Gretta Vosper/ab)
• “Blessed be Beauty”
By Glynn Cardy. A Book of Blessings/66
Blessed be beauty.
It is ever-changing,
a fusion - known
when we see it.
Flowers, music,
evocative designs,
all pale before the
magic of a smile.
Light reflects, laughing.
It sparkles, glitters,
dancing on the surface
of the stream.
Water, movement,
our eyes, and light...
An intersection
of wonder.
No thing determines
beauty. It is a play
of the inner on outer,
the outer on inner.
Hint of becoming;
spark of cheekiness;
graced care;
beauty is discovering
ourselves. We are
beautiful. In soul.
In body. In speech.
In thought. Always
a confluence, a smile
a dance, a bridge,
a play, a discovery…
Blest be beauty.
• Luke 24:1-12 (Inclusive Text)
On the first day of the week, at the first sign of dawn,
the women went to the tomb with the spices they had prepared.
They found that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb,
but on entering discovered that the body of Jesus was not there.
As they stood there not knowing what to think,
two figures in brilliant clothes suddenly appered at their side.
Terrified, the women lowered their eyes.
But the two of them said,
“Why look among the dead for someone who is alive?
He is not here, he is risen.
"Remember what he told you when he was still in Galilee:
that the Promised One had to be handed over
into the power of sinners and be crucified,
and rise again on the third day.”
And they remembered Jesus' words.
When the women returned from the tomb
they told all this to the Eleven and to all the others.
The women were Mary of Magdala, Joanna,
and Mary the mother of James.
The other women with them also told the apostles,
but this story of theirs seemed pure nonsense,
and they did not believe them.
Peter, however, went running to the tomb.
He bent down and saw the binding cloths, but nothing else.
He then went home, amazed at what had happened.
Contemporary Explorations
Silence for Personal Reflection
A Celebration of Faith (Optional)
In response to the word reflected on, let us stand
and share together a celebration of our faith.
The people stand
v1 Jesus is resurrected—
All because his message of love, justice, healing, and liberation
transcends time and space.
v2 Jesus is resurrected—
All because in his story we hear our own stories
of suffering and struggle and sorrow.
v1 Jesus is resurrected—
All because we need to be called back to love our neighbour as ourselves,
called back to see the inherent worth and dignity of every person,
called back to fight for justice,
called back to hope for a better life.
v2 Jesus is resurrected—
All not because he is The Messiah, The Son of God, The One and Only Saviour of all Humankind
but because in his time, and our time, and all time, we need hope.
v1 & v2 Jesus is resurrected—proving that hope is eternal.
All Hallelujah. Jesus is resurrected. (Kimberley Debus/uua.ww)
If in Northern Hemisphere...
A Spring/Earth Day Litany
v1 Spring is the celebration of the return
of vibrant colour to our world.
v2 With each budding leaf and every blade of grass
the earth is enlivened again.
All The rhythm of the change of seasons
beats with the hope of new beginnings.
v1 The world is awash in hues of green,
the colour of expectancy.
v2 With water and sunshine it will soon host
rainbows and wildflowers.
All The rhythm of the changing heart
beats hope at the break of a new day.
v1 The prism of creation casts its light on humanity.
v2 Like all living things, we are varied shades
of a diverse and wonderful spectrum.
All The rhythm of the changing mind
beats love at the sight of difference.
v1 May the hands I hold today,
emblems of the infinite palate, be warmed
by the common blood that courses through eternal veins.
All The rhythm of the changing life
beats praise for our common embrace. (George L Stewart/adapt/
Sharing 'The Peace'
Let us take a moment to celebrate each other.
May a heart of peace rest with you.
All And also with you. (David Galston/q)
You are invited to share the peace with your neighbours
Facing the person with right hand on your heart and a slight bow of the head…
The Divine in me honours the Divine in you.
The Light in me recognises the Light in you.
The spirit within me sees the spirit within you.
Hymn/Song People stand as they are able, to sing
“There Shall be Life and Love” (Tune: ‘Taranaki’, Judith Thornley) 134 HoS
There shall be life and love,
there shall be joy and fun,
God’s beauty shall unfold,
God’s justice shall be done.
And the cross shall be the sign
of the death that brings new birth;
yes, the tomb shall host the life
that links us all to Earth.
There shall be tender care
healing the wounded soil,
there shall be rainbow peace
bringing us rest from toil.
For the cross shall be the sign
of the death that brings new birth
and compassion free the life
that greens the face of Earth.
Love shall encircle all,
drawing us ever on,
sap shall arise within,
herald of Spring’s new dawn.
For the cross shall be the sign
of the death that brings new birth
and this Earth provide the womb
that gives all life its worth. (William L Wallace).
In Solidarity
Care Candle:
We are people of all ages who enter this space
bringing our joys and concerns.
Joys and Celebrations; Griefs and Concerns shared
Focused Thoughts:
Listening Response:
As one heart is lifted
All May we share its celebration
As one heart is burdened
All May we share the pain it knows. (Gretta Vosper/wwg)
Sung Response:
Flow’r of compassion
All Bloom within, bloom within
Bloom within each heart.
Blossom of love, you
All Draw us close, draw us close
Draw us close together.
Delicate fragrance,
All Drift beyond, drift beyond
Drift beyond all boarders. (Bret Hesle/wsj)
And so we take this flame and light our special care candle...
The Care Candle is lit
For ourselves, for those named or remembered, and in solidarity with those
who have not the freedom to express their concern or celebration
for fear of discrimination or condemnation.
In all our joys and in all our concerns,
may we be ever mindful of the presentness of the sacred among us,
and to see new possibilities of the now.
The 'Abba’ Prayer: (Optional)
You are invited to pray in the spirit of the Abba/Lord's Prayer, and in your original language, as that is appropriate
All God, lover of us all, most holy one.
Help us to respond to you.
To create what you want for us here on earth.
Give us today enough for our needs.
Forgive our weak and deliberate offences,
just as we must forgive others
when they hurt us.
Help us to resist evil and to do what is good.
For we are yours, endowed with your power
to make our world whole.
Amen. (Lala Winkley/cw)
All Ground of all being, we honour
the many names for our experience of the sacred.
May we build a community
faithful to the dream of heaven on earth.
May there be food for all who hunger this day.
May we be forgiven for the falseness of what we have done
as we forgive those who have been untrue to us.
May we not feel abandoned in hard times
but find strength to meet each moment.
For the light of life, the vitality of being
is within us and beyond us,
now and forever, Amen. (Nancy L Steeves/StSC.N-TL)
The Offering
The Presentation
By our smallest actions,
we become part of a bigger world.
The smallest giving can be an expression
of the good spirit of generosity and caring.
Help us to carry through the doorway of each new day
this good spirit of generosity and caring.
The Tradition
Such an event as sharing bread and wine,
(and bread and fish,) was common in the time of Jesus.
Folk gathered for the sacred moment of the meal
when bread was broken and the cup blessed.
It reminded them of their story,
the way they believed their God had led them,
the hope that was given to them,
and the blessing they received.
We are told in our tradition:
Jesus took the bread and wine
and gave that additional blessing of faith for the future day.
The church through the generations
has embraced this event as a central sacrament of the Faith.
It was to be the substantial symbol of a life-enhancing presence,
giving the courage to bring a different spirit to the world.
This table sets before us the symbols of life.
All We give thanks to God for our life
and the courage we are given to live it.
We are here given this sacrament to
enhance and enrich our life.
All We will receive it with thanksgiving and faith.
Wherever we are, we are surrounded by the Good Presence.
All May the Good Presence change our way of being in the world.
We pause in gratitude for our life
and the many gifts of life.
All Again and again, we want our life and our gratitude
to be good and generous.
Here in this sacred place, we are lifted into
the awesome mystery of life.
All And we reach out to all that is good.
Here in this sacred place we give words
to our inner sense of gratitude and hope.
All We pause in gratitude for all that has been given;
in hope for all that yet will be.
And so we take these gifts of bread and wine,
such ordinary things of life,
to lift us into the eternal mystery of God's
acceptance and grace.
We now give to this bread and wine
a special meaning and significance,
that they will bring to each one of us the renewed
awareness of the Presence of the Good Spirit of God;
and the renewed strengthening of our faith,
that the ways of Jesus will keep alive the courage
to be people of a New Way,
helping to build a better world.
Bread and White Wine
As he took the bread, I take it.
As he blessed the bread, I bless it.
As he broke the bread, I break it.
Bread is broken
Let it be a symbol of the Presence:
a symbol of care and compassion
calling us to the highest spirit of care and compassion.
The bread is broken for us to take.
All We will receive it in faith.
As he took the wine, I take it.
As he raised the cup, I raise it.
As he blessed the cup, I bless it.
Cup/Wine is raised
Let it be a symbol of remembering.
And a symbol of healing and renewal.
The wine is here for us to take.
All We will receive it in faith.
May the Good Spirit of God accept us and renew our faith
as we receive this sacrament.
All This is our hope.
May the Good Spirit of God accept us and encourage us
to be carriers of goodwill.
All This is our prayer.
May the Good Spirit of God accept us and give
new strength to all our living.
All This is the blessing we seek. (Adapt.Francis Macnab/fwb)
Bread and White Wine is served in four small circles around the Gathering space
Baptismal Candle (Optional)
If there has been a Baptism a lighted candle is given
Parents gather at the front of the Gathering space
(NN), may this candle remind you
throughout your life, of Jesus,
who opened peoples’ minds and hearts
to see the ‘light’ of God’s presence within them.
(N) and (N) use this candle
to help you tell (NN) the story of his/her baptism,
as you light it each year to remember this day.
Parents return to their seats
Hymn/Song The people stand as they are able, to sing
“Easter Song: Christ is Alive” 15 (v1-2) AA
Christ is alive, and the universe must celebrate,
and the stars and the suns shout on this Easter Day!
Christ is alive, and his family must celebrate
in a great alleluia,
a great alleluia
to praise the power that made the stone roll away.
Here is our hope: in the mystery of suffering
is the heartbeat of Love, Love that will not let go,
here is our hope, that in God we are not separate,
and we sing alleluia,
we sing alleluia
to praise the power that made the stone roll away.
Parting Words
The presentness of God reaches beyond this place...
The Community Candle is extinguished
And now may we go forth
in the certainty of faith,
in the knowledge of love,
and in the vision of hope.
All And in our going,
may we be blessed with all good things
on this day and forevermore. HBabcock
Blessing Words
Whatever the origin of love
we know it is our only hope.
It lies at the heart of Easter,
which shows us how to live.
So let us, each day, make love our song.
Let it work its transforming power in us.
We cannot do this alone —
and that is love’s first lesson. (Jill Harris/el1)
May God the starmaker cradle and circle you.
May God the storyteller beckon and encourage you.
May God the life changer challenge you and cherish you.
May you walk in the light of God’s love and laughter
all the moments of your nights and days.
All Amen. May it be so.
Hymn/Song (Cont.) "Easter Song: Christ is Alive” 15 (v3) AA
Christ Spirit, dance through the dullness of humanity
to the music of God, God who has set us free!
You are the pulse of the new creations energy;
with a great alleluia,
a great alleluia
we praise the power that made the stone roll away. (Shirley Erena Murray)
The people sit after the hymn
'This Week' at (NN)
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Significant Events
Journey Candles
Recessional Music
Morning tea is now served.
You are invited to share in this time of fellowship.
You are invited to keep this copy of the liturgy and take it home with you
to share with another member of your family, or with a friend
Please include any reproduction of hymns/songs for local church use
on your Music Licence returns, as appropriate
Some of the Resources used in Shaping this Liturgy:
(AA) Alleluia Aotearoa. Hymns and Songs for all Churches. Raumati. New Zealand Hymnbook Trust, 1993.
Burgess, R. A Book of Blessings. Glasgow. Wild Goose Publications, 2001.
Harris, J. (ed). The Ephesus Liturgies. Vol. 1. Eastbourne: Makaro Press, 2015.
Inclusive Readings. Year C Brisbane. Inclusive Language Project. In private circulation, 2006.
Macnab, F. A Fine Wind is Blowing: Psalms of the Bible in Words that Blow you Away. Richmond. Spectrum Publications, 2006.
Macnab, F. Hope: The Deeper Longings of the Mind and Heart. Richmond. Spectrum Publications, 1996.
Morwood, M. Praying a New Story. Richmond. Spectrum Publications, 2003.
(WSJ) Nelson-Pallmeyer, J. & B. Hesle. Worship in the Spirit of Jesus. Theology, Liturgy, and Songs without Violence. Cleveland. The Pilgrim Press, 2005
Prewer, B. D. More Australian Psalms. Adelaide. OpenBook Publishers, 1996.
Uniting in Worship. Leader’s Book. Melbourne. Uniting Church Press, 1988.
Vosper, G. With or Without God. Why the Way we Live is More Important than What we Believe. Toronto. HarperCollins, 2008.
Ward, H.; J. Wild & J Morley. (ed). Celebrating Women. New edition. London. SPCK, 1995.
Web sites/Other:
Wehlander, Babcock, Safford. UUA Worship Web.
Andrew Pratt "Easter2" and "Easter5". eMail listing. UK. Direct from the author.
Michael Morwood. Baptism Ceremony. <>
Brian Wren. “When a Baby…” Stainer & Bell web site. <>
Nancy L Steeves. “Praying in the Spirit of Jesus”. One of several non-theistic resources found at: