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‘The Other Lectionary’ - a suggested ‘southern hemisphere’ Lectionary (with a few Resources added) offered in parallel to,
or even replacement of, the RCL which is in standard use by many
“Landscape is an incredible, mystical teacher, and when you begin to tune into its sacred presence,
something shifts inside you”
9 April 2023. 6.30am.
"April in Australia is a pleasant, refreshing month.
Its arrival brings a sense of relief from the thick blanket of summer
as we are rejuvenated by a touch of coolness.
For us, this is Eastertime."
Acknowledgement of Country/First Peoples
For thousands of years Indigenous people have walked in this land, on their own country.
Their relationship with the land is at the centre of their lives.
We acknowledge the (NN) People of the (NN) Nation, past, present, and emerging,
and their stewardship of this land throughout the ages.
Opening Sentences
Southern Hemisphere
This is the place and this is the time.
To see the world and the whole of life in a new light.
All That we might be filled with hope, and joy
and certainty for the future.
This is the place, as are all places:
All this is the time, as are all times.
Here and now
Northern Hemisphere
We seek life’s meaning in the wonder of morning
All In the freshness of springtime,
And in each others hearts and minds.
Yet still we hope for something more,
A break in the ordinary,
An infusion of the unexpected,
An explosion of glory,
A miracle,
Revealing more than we hope to understand. (Charles F Flagg)
The liturgy continues...
Today we celebrate the Spirit of Life over death.
We will light the fire, aware that the power of resurrection
has forever changed who we are,
and given us the courage to boldly proclaim a living faith.
Today we celebrate:
new life,
new joy,
new possibilities.
All We give thanks for the Spirit of Life
visible in Jesus,
visible in us,
visible in people in all walks of life. (Michael Morwood/pns)
Recognising the Sacred
As we gather together in this season of Autumn and change,
let us also recognise that we gather
in the presence of the Spirit and Source of Life.
People face the North
v1 We turn to face the direction north
the season of summer and the element of water, for a blessing.
v2 The gift of the north is love,
for it speaks of great endurance.
The Spirit of Love teaches us the power of strength in adversity.
All Spirit of Love
teach us the gentle power of strength in adversity.
People turn right and face the East
v1 We turn to face east, the direction of the rising sun,
the season of spring and the element of air, for a blessing.
v2 The gift of the east is truth,
for it speaks of the breath of new life on earth.
The Spirit of Truth teaches us to see clearly.
All Spirit of Truth
teach us to see new possibilities more clearly.
People turn right and face the South
v1 We turn to the south, the direction of winter
and the element of earth, for a blessing.
v2 The gift of the south is mystery,
for it speaks of the unknown, the unseen.
The Spirit of Mystery teaches us to be silent and to listen.
All Spirit of Mystery
we ask you to teach us the gift of silence, and to listen.
The people turn right and face West
v1 We turn to the west the place of the setting sun, the season
of autumn and the element of fire, for a blessing.
v2 The gift of the west is beauty,
for it speaks of peace and serenity.
The Spirit of Beauty - above us, beside us, beneath us -
surrounds us at all times.
All Spirit of Beauty
you surround us at all times,
at our beginnings and at our endings.
We gather together in this season of Autumn and change…
All Holy! Holy! Holy!
Earth is filled with a sacred presentness.
We discern the presentness of God in this sanctuary called Earth.
All A planet filled with this presence:
quivering in the forests,
vibrating in the land,
pulsating in the wilderness,
shimmering in the rivers.
The presentness of God is revealed in the face of all creation.
All Holy! Holy! Holy!
Earth is filled with a sacred presentness. (Norman Habel/adapted
Narrative 1
We have come to this special place, this year and in past years,
out of the busyness of the world.
From the noise and colour and frenzy around us.
Here we can gather together,
listening for the sounds that silence brings,
and the gentle murmurings that nature offers us.
And witness the breaking of a new day.
As we listen and as we watch,
let our minds wander, and our feet connect us to the earth.
Let us become conscious of our breathing...
Our breathing in and our breathing out...
The rise and fall of our breath…
That we might wonder yet again at how God transforms us
with every breath we take.
Lighting of the Fire
Let us light the fire.
Originated in Ireland in the sixth century.
Sounds of Celebration
And let us listen to the sounds of celebration.
The sound of the bell, it was believed, calls the Earth back into life
Wisdom from the World/Religious Traditions
“Wisdom is not just special knowledge about something. Wisdom is a way of being, a way of inhabiting the world. The beauty of wisdom is harmony, belonging and illumination of thought, action, heart and mind.” (John O’Donohue)
Reader: We listen for truth, yet it is elusive - a thought here, a verse there.
All May we collect it all, write what is worthy on our hearts,
and let the rest spill past our consciousness
leaving us clear and whole. (Gretta Vosper/ab)
• “Creation Coming”
By Kai Siedenburg. Space Between the Stones/86
I can sense
creation coming—
in the
deepening stillness,
the clear call
to be quiet
and listen,
in soft stirrings
I can sense
but not yet see—
like a magnificent,
winged being
through the
twilight woods,
moving silently
over dry leaves,
inviting me to ride
on her powerful back
to beautiful
and mysterious realms.
I am ready.
• “Easter is Breaking”
By Kathleen Rolenz.
Somewhere across the world,
Easter is breaking
not the Easter we may think of,
with arms upraised and "he is risen" echoing from canyons,
but a much quieter, less dramatic Easter.
Somewhere in the world - perhaps not this day, but some day soon,
a woman and a man rise from their beds,
shaking the sleep from their eyes,
and find their children already awake and
preparing for their morning prayers.
There has been no gunfire, no drug wars, no yelling or shouting or screaming,
only the quiet of the night and the peace of silence around them.
And somewhere in the world, perhaps not this morning, but soon, very soon
a soldier is packing his duffle bag,
has emptied out all his bullets,
is changing into civilian clothes,
and is coming home, for peace has long been established,
and there is no need for his presence.
And somewhere in the world, Easter dawn breaks over the earth,
not only on this day, but every day,
and the familiar pulse in our veins throbs of
"peace, peace, peace”.
• “A Butterfly: Moments of Grace and Illumination”
By Richard Jeffries. Life Prayers/366
A butterfly comes and stays on a leaf -
a leaf much warmed by the sun -
and shuts his wings.
In a minutes he opens them, shuts them again,
half wheels round, and by and by -
just when he chooses and not before -
floats away.
The flowers open, and remain open for hours, to the sun.
Hastelessness is the only word one can make up to describe it;
there is much rest, but no haste.
Each moment is so full of life
that it seems so long
and so sufficient in itself.
• Gospel Luke 24:1, 5, 9 (Inclusive Text)
On the first day of the week, at the first sign of dawn,
the women went to the tomb with the spices they had prepared.
Two figures in brilliant clothes
suddenly appeared at their side, and said:
Why look among the dead for someone who is alive?'
When the women - Mary of Magdala, Joanna,
and Mary the mother of James, and the other women -
returned from the tomb they told all this to the apostles...
Narrative 2
We listen, we watch, we wait...
In the cycle of seasons we come again to Easter.
Out of our hearts we feel the urge to new being -
to worship at the shrine of our hopes,
to gain perspective on our lives,
to reorder the chaos of our years,
to reflect on the way our hearts should go,
to reaffirm our deepest aspirations.
In the holy quiet we come:
we want peace and that quiet serenity born of insight,
we want beauty, the inner sanctuary of sounds and sights and air,
we want courage, the inner fortitude to live our own lives.
May we strive to be worthy of this great life
that out of the old brings forth the new.
A Litany
“A Child of Nature”
(By Ben C. Godfrey. Wisdom for a New Era/27)
v1 I am a child of nature
v2 I have no reason to distrust the source or sources of my existence
v3 I have the natural capacity to sense, to feel, to reason, to imagine, to believe, and to act.
All These are innate gifts to me and to every other human being.
v1 While living, I have the opportunity to be useful to others and to enjoy life.
v2 I can pretend that my race, my culture, my beliefs, my education,
and my talents are unique and superior to all others,
or I may humbly recognize that I am, after all, only one of you.
All Our lives may have occurred in different circumstances,
yet we share the human condition.
v3 I am, you are, we are children of nature, each with our situation to live,
to love, and to share.
All I am any human being on planet Earth.
In Solidarity
We believe that death is not the end,
but rather a transformation into new possibilities.
Nothing that exists is ever completely destroyed.
A star exploding
or a leaf falling:
both offer new possibilities and will 'live on'
in ways unknown to stars and leaves.
Winter gives way to Spring;
what seems lifeless now abounds with life,
new possibilities and delights.
We, too, experience new possibilities arising from our failures
or disappointments
or what has come to an end...
v2 We give thanks for all the influences in our lives
that have helped us see beyond the present
and have called us to live in hope and trust
whatever endings we have experienced.
We give thanks for the Spirit of New Life
active in our lives
as it was in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. (Adapted. Michael Morwood/pns)
Narrative 3
Each of us has an important part to play in this world.
And part of that is to know we need each other.
In the spirit of the new and changed life we know as resurrection,
let us now give and receive a blessing.
Blessing the World
People of the Palestine,
angry and tired of being angry…
All God’s peace is for you.
People of Africa,
exploited and tired of being exploited…
All God’s peace is for you.
People of South America,
silenced and tired of being silence…
All God’s peace is for you.
People of Korea,
divided and tired of being divided…
All God’s peace is for you.
People of Ukraine,
killed and tired of being attacked…
All God’s peace is for you.
People of Afganistan,
torn and tired of being torn…
All God’s peace is for you.
People of the West,
privileged and tired of being privileged…
All God’s peace is for you.
Other blessings may be offered
Song (Optional)
"As Leaves that Softly Fall” (Boundless Life Collection)
As leaves that softly fall to earth
We let go of hate and fear.
As autumn winds strip branches bare
We explore each smile and tear.
As seeds are spread both far and wide
We build hope and not despair. (William L Wallace)
“All Creatures of Our God” (Tune: ‘Lasst Uns Erfreuen’, 88.88. Alleluias)
(Leader spoken v1, v2 etc, Sung response by people)
v1 Praise God, you holy ones…
Praise Wisdom Sophia, all shining stars.
All creatures of our loving God,
Lifit up your voice with praise and laud,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
You blazing sun with golden beam.
You silver moon with softer gleam!
O praise God! O praise God!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
v2 Praise God, highest heavens…
She established you forever and ever.
You rushing wind, air, clouds, and rain,
By which all creatures you sustain.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
You rising morn, in praise rejoice,
You lights of evening, find a voice
O praise God! O praise God!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
v3 Praise Wisdom Sophia, all the Earth…
Storm winds that fulfill God’s word.
You swirling water, flowing clear,
Make music for your God to hear,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
You glowing fire who lights the night,
Providing warmth, enhancing sight…
O praise God! O praise God!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
v1 You mountains and all you hills.
You creeping things and flying birds.
Dear gentle Earth, who day by day
Unfolds your blessings on our way,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
The flowers and fruit that in you grow,
Let them God's glory also show!
O praise God! O praise God!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
v2 Let God be praised by all the faithful ones,
By the people of (name your group), the people close to God.
v1 & v2 Let all on Earth our Creator bless,
And praise our God in holiness,
All Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!’ (Adapted from the original by Diann Neu)
Blessing Each Other Place your left hand on your neighbour's right shoulder
All May the blessing in the strength of the Brindabellas,
the calm of Lake Burley Griffin
the freshness of gum tree and wild flower
remain with you…
v1 May the stories of this day
inspire us in ways that bring us a hope-filled clarity
about who we are, what we can do,
what it is our lives might be about.
v2 And as we walk this dusty path,
may we see only
the love and passion of those who journey with us
and be inspired. (Gretta Vosper/wab).
All are invited to light a candle from the Easter flame before you leave
Please share in hot buns, raisin loaf, and tea/coffee
Some of the Resources used in Shaping this Liturgy:
Abbott, M. Sparks of the Cosmos. Rituals for Seasonal Use. Unley. MediaCom Education, 2001.
Duncan, G. (ed). Dare to Dream. A Prayer and Worship Anthology from around the World. London. Fount/HarperCollins, 1995.
Inclusive Readings. Year C. Brisbane. Inclusive Language Project. In private circulation, 2003.
Morwood, M. Praying a New Story. Richmond. Spectrum Publications, 2003.
Neu, D. L. Return Blessings: Ecofeminist Liturgies Renewing the Earth. Cleveland. Pilgrim Press, 2002.
Roberts, E. & E. Amidon. Life Prayers from Around the World. 365 Prayers, Blessings, and Affirmations to Celebrate the Human Journey. New York. HarperCollins, 1996.
Siedenburg, K. Space Between the Stones. Poems and Practices for Connecting with Nature, Spirit, and Creativity. Santa Cruz. Our Nature Connection, 2020
Vosper, G. We All Breathe. Poems and Prayers. Toronto: PostPurgical Resources, 2012.
Vosper, G. Another Breath. Prayers for Celebration and Reflection. Brisbane. The Centre for Progressive Religious Thought Brisbane, 2009/2010.
Web sites/Other:
Flagg, Rolenz. UUA Worship Web. Boston. <>
Creation Liturgies. Norman Habel <>
"As Leaves that Softly Fall”. William L Wallace. From the Boundless Life collection