 ’Refresh’ each page before reading  to make sure to get my latest edition

The Other Lectionary’ is a suggested ‘southern hemisphere’ Lectionary (with a few Resources added)  offered in parallel to, 
or even replacement of, the RCL which is in standard use by many.

CELEBRATION OF LIFE the end the universe can only be explained in terms of celebration. 
It is all an exuberant expression of existence itself”

2 February 2025. Epiphany 4C. (Green).
Fearless Sunday

"A Day for Theological ‘Outing’.
Pastor/Ministers and Parishioners share the evolution of what they really feel, think, 
believe, and disbelieve -- about matters theological, political, and social”
(Jim Burklo)

Acknowledgement of Country/First Peoples
(An act towards reconciliation)

For thousands of years Indigenous people have walked
in this land, on their own country.
Their relationship with the land is at the centre of their lives.

We acknowledge the (NN) People of the (N) Nation, past, present, and emerging,
and their stewardship of this land throughout the ages.

First Peoples Statement to the Nation 2017 is called “Uluru Statement from the Heart”
A Response from Common Dreams5 Conference of Religious Progressives,
Australia/South Pacific 2019

Both available in Affirmations/Manifestoes

And we recognise and give thanks that we humans
are creatures of the Earth living in the ecosystem
—flowers, trees and insects; land, waters and mountain range—
that is unique to (NN).
May we honour one another and honour life itself.

(NN) is a safe place for all people to worship regardless of
race, creed, age, cultural background or sexual orientation


Rich and Striking Visuals
          “The function of beauty… is to make us aware of a reality which is richer and deeper 
          and more marvellous than anything we can dream or conceive.” (Henry N. Wieman)
OR Floral/Symbols display (cloths, candles, stones, wood, leaves, flowers, earth, water) OR projection of Film/Video 

Gathering Music

Entry into the Celebration
The gong is sounded three times

v1 Fold up the newspaper.
Turn off the kettle.
Close up your diary already filled with dates,
and times,
and people,
and places that claim you.

This congregation is ready for you
to fill this sacred space,
to create its spirit,
to generate its warmth,
to kindle its light.   (Adapt.David Blanchard)

v2 Let us celebrate the richness and diversity of life.

Lighting of Community Candle
A Community Candle is lit

Divine spark from sacred dark
Symbol of our holy intent
illuminate this hour.  Kathy Huff

Note: Check out 'Special Liturgies’ (this site) for the following:

(i) A suggested process for introducing new hymns is called Hymn of the Month
(ii) Additional Special Purpose Hymns cover major international events or themes. They include these categories: 1. Bush (Brush) Fire, 2. Tsunami, Storms/Cyclones, 3. Earthquakes, 4. War/Remembrance, 5. Caregiving, 6. God as Mother, 7. Human Trafficking, 8. Disabled, 9. Migration/Refugees, 10. Terrorist Attacks, 11. Science/Cosmology
(iii) Specific resources on
(iv) On
Wonder, Awe, and Nature

Hymn/Song   The people stand as they are able, to sing
"God Given Energy, Flaring and Fiery(Tune: ‘Spean’,
God given energy, flaring and fiery,
stella collisions of fury and pace;
shafts of the light from the cosmic conception
searing to earth from infinity's space.

Stars from eternity, driven by forces
formed at the birthing of matter and time;
mystical sinews restraining the planets,
elegant science and God's hidden rhyme;

These are the visions of wonder and rapture,
signs of significance, pointers to place,
drawing us out from our narrow discernment,
windows to love and God's infinite grace.  © AndrewPratt


Praise From Depth and Height  (Tune: ‘Farley Castle’,                         3 HCL
Praise, O my heart, with praise from depth and height.
To you, O Source of Life, how very great
The glories are that beat upon my sight,
So robed are you with honour and with light.

You laid the deep foundations of the earth
Not to be moved for ages from their place.
You raised the sea to cover all its girth;
The waters lay abroad its gleaming face.

The cloud you made your carrier as it streams
Upon the wings of winds; at your desire
Life woke and made the darkness glorious,
And [we] rose upward from the atom fire.   (Ridgely Torrence, 1941. Adapted)
Remain standing

Opening Sentences
At this time and in this place,
may we keep in touch with the simple pleasures of life:
Wm  the smell of the bush after summer rain,
the sound of surf rolling on sandy shores,
Wm  the juiciness of fruit freshly picked,
Mn  an evening breeze at the end of a hot day.

At this time and in this place may we
keep in touch with the simple pleasures of life:
All  gifts of the sacred new every morning.  (Adapt.Bruce Prewer/jof)

Words of Awareness
Today we celebrate a dream awakening.
Today we celebrate with renewed hope in our hearts.
Today we act on an audacity of hopes and dreams for the future.

Today we begin the hard work for justice, equity and
compassion in all human relations,
for today is a day like no other and
it is ours to shape with vision and action.

Let us be together and celebrate a dream awakening.   (Adapt/Elizabeth M Strong)


We pray:
Abiding God, grant us the joy of feeling ourselves
a part of your vast magnificence,
your all-encompassing love.
All  May it be so!

Hymn/Song  "All-Present, All-Visible, Source of All Life(Tune: ‘Immortal, Invisible’)
All-present, all-visible, Source of all life,

Within and around us, through joy and through strife.
Most Sacred, Eternal, You move on the earth,

You beckon and call forth new life and new birth.

Enlivened, extravagant, Sower of seeds,

Abundant, abounding, Your mercy exceeds.
Unhindered, unbridled, you shine forth your grace,
That we may do likewise, revealing Your face.

You care for Creation, O Mother of all,

Great mountains, clear waters, and flowers so small.

The earth is Your temple, for all life to share,

So help us be stewards of healing and care.

Transcendent, uncharted, and still close at hand,
Encompassing people from near and far lands.
Within each new moment, throughout life and death,

Your praises are sung out from all that has breath! (SKlosterboer/p&f)


Jesus Calls Us Here” (Tune: ‘Gaelic Air’, 87.87D)                                                           477 TiS
Jesus calls us here to meet him
as, through word and song and prayer,
we affirm God's promised presence
where his people live and care.
Praise the God who keeps his promise;
praise the Son who calls us friends;
praise the Spirit who, among us,
to our hopes and fears attends.

Jesus calls us to confess him
Word of Life and Lord of All,
sharer of our flesh and frailness
saving all who fail or fall.
Tell his holy human story;
tell his tales that all may hear;
tell the world that Christ in glory
came to earth to meet us here.

Jesus calls us to each other:
found in him are no divides.
Race and class and sex and language
such are barriers he derides.
Join the hand of friend and stranger;
join the hands of age and youth;
join the faithful and the doubter
in their common search for truth.  (Bell&Maule) 
People sit after the hymn

Or in your own words

A warm welcome is extended to all.
Especially those who are gathering at (NN) for the first time
or who have returned after an absence.

Your presence both enriches us
and this time of celebration together.
Refer to printed liturgy.
Fellowship hour following the Gathering
Those visiting, please sign our Visitors book.


A warm welcome is extended to all.
Especially those who may be joining us for a first time.

Your presence enriches this gathering and contributes to 
the creative evolution of community. 
Thanks for the gift of you!  (Central United, Moncton, Canada)


Centering Silence
        Centering silence has its roots in the earliest of monastic traditions of the ‘desert Fathers (abbas)/Mothers (ammas)’ 
        and the Christian mystic tradition… Relaxing into ‘quietness’ creates the space for deep listening and draws you into yourself

As you entered this sacred place today
you were given a small clutch of Oak leaves...

Hold them now in the palm of your hand as you close your eyes.
Feel the surface of the leaves...
There is energy and potency in these leaves
as new acorns begin to form and take shape within them.

Given the soil, the water and the light,
these tiny acorn seeds will grow into a tree
and produce shade for birds and humans.

So too does your life provide opportunity
for growth, for new possibilities, for new beginnings...

Music of Reflection


Wisdom from the World/Religious Traditions
        “Wisdom is not just special knowledge about something. Wisdom is a way of being, a way of inhabiting the world. 
        The beauty of wisdom is harmony, belonging and illumination of thought, action, heart and mind.” (John O’Donohue)

Reader:  We listen for truth, yet it is elusive - a thought here, a verse there.
All   May we collect it all, write what is worthy on our hearts,
and let the rest spill past our consciousness
leaving us clear and whole. 
 (Gretta Vosper/ab)

• “To Reflect On . . .”
By William L Wallace. Courage to Love/19

There is no pain greater than not being able to be yourself.

True humility is not the putting down of the self
but the putting down of roots into the earth,
the cultures of the earth
and the mystery which we call God.

To enter the wilderness
is to discover one’s true home.

What you are seeking lies within you.
No one can give it to you.
All you have to do is to own it.

The greatest achievement is to learn
to be
and to rest in that awareness.

Abandon yourself to the otherness
and you will find yourself in the process.

Nurture the mystic within you
for she is the guardian of the most sacred mysteries.
She alone is the ‘you’ that cannot be destroyed;
for her name is compassionate wisdom
and her aspect is divinity.

When you can see the divine in yourself
You will be able to see the divine everywhere.
When you reverence the divine in yourself
You will be able to reverence the divine everywhere.
When you nurture the divine in yourself
You will be able to nurture the divine everywhere.


• “Horizontal Transcendence”
 By Robert Charles Howard, Unity Tree/46

To better view the fairest stars of
Genesis, Keats, or Kepler,
learned priests and lectors
of vertical transcendence
built towers over clouds
beyond the touch of worldly toil.

Standing below in soiled boots,
newer prophets citing
the universal brotherhood of
mitosis, chromosomes, and DNA
urge a new transcendence
spread on a horizontal plane
where bridges are preferred to ladders.

Muffled distant drums,
beating somber warnings
of poisoned waters and global heat,
summon us down
from our lofty towers of denial.

Bring it in—this Age of Reason
Let all things be seen through the honest eye

Love and cherish the realities of the Universe
They are gifts from which to move forward

Making a path toward that beautiful horizon.


• “The Freedom Within”
By Kenneth Patton. Songs and Services for the Celebration of Life/82-83

A man once lived who changed his mind about the world.
He made a new set of answers about the heavens.
He changed the location and the significance of mankind in the scheme of things.
His mind was his free world, where he lived unmolested with his new answer’s.
He lived in a new world, while all of his fellows lived in the old world still.

He was not only wise; he was cagey.
He knew that the world of religion and politics was not as free
        as the world he maintained in his head.
He knew that his own mind was a roomier, saner, 
        more charitable world than human society.
So he kept his freedom and his answers to himself.
His theories were published as he lay dying, 
        when the angry priests and their torturers could not get to him.
After all, why should he make himself the victim of other men’s stupidity and cruelty?

They raged against him, but he was safe within the fortress of the grave.
But while he lived, he maintained his freedom and chance
        to do his work by living within the fortress of his own mind.
Since there was no freedom outside, he kept to his freedom within.

His name was Copernicus.
We named the universe after him.

• "In Praise of Love"
(Based on i Corinthians 13:1, 4-8)
A translation by Margaret Lee and Brandon Scott. Sound Mapping the New Testament.

If I were fluent in human and heavenly tongues,
but lacked love,
I'd sound like a hollow gong
or a crashing cymbal...

love takes its time
makes itself good and useful
it doesn't envy
it doesn't boast
it doesn't bluster
it doesn't make a scene
it doesn't look after its own interests
it doesn't throw fits
it doesn't dwell on the negative
it takes no pleasure in injustice
but is delighted by the truth

love upholds everything
trusts in everything
hopes for everything
endures everything

love never falls away

Hymn/Song  The people stand as they are able, to sing
All Who Love and Serve your City"  ('Birtabus', 87.87)                                                  634 TiS
All who love and serve your city,
all who bear its daily stress, 
all who cry for peace and justice,
all who curse and all who bless:

in your day of loss and sorrow, 
in your day of helpless strife,
honour, peace and love retreating,
seek the Lord, who is your life. 

In your day of wealth and plenty,
wasted work and wasted play, 
call to mind the word of Jesus, 
'I must work while it is day.' 

For all days are days of judgment,
and the Lord is waiting still, 
drawing near to those who spurn him,
offering peace and Calvary's hill.

Risen Lord, shall still our city 
be the city of despair? 
Come today, our Judge, our Glory,
be its name 'The Lord is there'. (Eric R Routley)
The people sit

• Luke 4: 21-30  (Inclusive Text)

Jesus finished speaking in the synagogue.
His speaking won the approval of all,
and they were astonished by the gracious words
that came from his lips.

They said, 'This is Joseph’s son surely?'

But Jesus replied,
'No doubt you will quote me the saying,
"Physician, heal yourself" and tell me,
'We have heard all that happened in Capernaum,
do the same here in your own countryside.'

And Jesus went on,
'I tell you solemnly, no prophets are ever accepted in their own country.

'There were many widows in Israel, I can assure you,
in Elijah's day, when heaven remained shut
for three years and six months
and a great famine raged throughout the land,
but Elijah was not sent to anyone of these;
he was sent to the widow at Zarephath, a Sidonian town.

'And in the prophet Elisha's time there were many lepers in Israel,
but none of these was cured, except the Syrian, Naaman.'

When they heard this everyone in the synagogue were enraged.
They sprang to their feet and hustled Jesus out of the town;
and they took him up to the brow of the hill
their town was built on, intending to throw him down the cliff,
but Jesus slipped through the crowd
and walked away.

Contemporary Exploration

Silence for Personal Reflection


A Celebration of Faith (Optional)
In response to the word reflected on let us stand
and share a celebration of faith.
The people stand as they are able

v1  Every part of this earth is sacred.
All  Every gum leaf, every sandy beach, 
every misty raindrop in a rain forest, 
every picnic ground, and every flying insect, is holy.

v1  We are part of the earth and it is part of us.
All  The perfumed wild flowers are our sisters; 
the crocodile, the horse, the kookaburra—these are our brothers.
The rocky peaks, the wheat in the paddocks, 
the body heat of the family cat, 
humans—all belong to the same family.

v2  This we know: the earth does not belong to humans; 
humans belong to the earth.
v1  This we know: all things are connected 
like the blood which unites one family.
All  Whatever befalls the earth 
befalls the sons and daughters of the earth.

v2  We did not weave the web of life; 
we are merely a strand in it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All  What are humans without the birds of the air 
and the bush animals—possum and fox,
winged and finned, koala and deer?

v1 If all the animals were gone, humans would die 
from a great loneliness of spirit.
All  For whatever happens to the creatures, 
soon happens to humans. 
All things are connected.  
(Attributed to and adapted from, Chief Seattle)

Sharing 'The Peace'
Let us now take a moment to celebrate each other.

May a heart of peace rest with you. (David Galston/q)
All  And also with you.
You are invited to share the peace with your neighbours


Facing the person with right hand on your heart and a slight bow of the head…

The Divine in me honours the Divine in you.

The Light in me recognises the Light in you.

The spirit within me sees the spirit within you.

Hymn/Song  The people stand as they are able, to sing
A Moment of Wonder”  (Tune: ‘St Catherine’s Court’,                               1 MTH
A moment of wonder, amazement and grandeur,
a time when God’s glory shines clear through our lives,
God’s grace is beyond us, yet lives in each heartbeat,
the source of creation from which peace derives.

The eyes of our minds are enlightened with splendour,
inherited glory, the song of the saints
is ours for the asking, by faith becomes present
as life is set dancing, devoid of restraints.

O this is the spirit of joy and obedience,
it’s bending our pride to the purpose of God,
the rhythm, the harmony, gracefully springing:
our feet follow faithfully where Jesus trod.  (Andrew Pratt. © Stainer & Bell)


Life into Life, the Threads are Woven”  (Tune: ‘Stanley Street’)                                  28 TEL
Life into life, the threads are woven,
parent and child,
partner and friend;
tokens of love received and given:
joy at each birth,
grief at each end.
God of all time, all loves, all living,
hear as we bring our hearts' thanksgiving.

Life into life, our ways cross over,
culture and place,
neighbour and race;
in your good world help us discover
imprint of grace
in every face.
God of all time, all loves, all living,
hear as we bring our heart's thanksgiving.

Life into life, when love is spoken,
everyday things
give our heart wings,
life-changing ills when things are broken,
turn us to you,
seeing what's true,
God of all time, all loves, all living,
hear as we bring our heart's thanksgiving.

Life into life, your Holy Spirit
quickens the mind,
lifts humankind,
gives to our stream of days its current,
livens the slow,
charges the flow,
God of all time, all loves, all living,
hear as we bring our heart's thanksgiving.

Life into life, the world goes spinning,
catching your light,
gaining new sight;
you give us hope, a fresh beginning,
life's very breath,
life out of death.
God of all time, all loves, all living,
hears as we bring our heart's thanksgiving.  (Shirley Erena Murray)
The people sit

The Offering

The Presentation
We give thanks
for all we have,
for all we are.

And we give thanks for the privilege of responding
with these gifts
and with our lives.

In Solidarity
Care Candle:
We are people of all ages who enter this space
bringing our joys and concerns.
Joys and Celebrations; Griefs and Concerns shared

Focused Thoughts:

Listening Response:
We turn to Life, to that vast creativity

All  that empowers the universe
as the ocean animates the wave,

seeking to let go of that which blocks our healing.

All  May we open ourselves even now

to the wonder of life.

And so we take this flame and light our special care candle…
The Care Candle is lit

For ourselves, for those named or remembered, 
and in solidarity with those
who have not the freedom to express their concern or celebration
for fear of discrimination or condemnation.

In all our joys and in all our concerns, may we be ever mindful
of the presentness of the sacred among us,
and to see new possibilities of the now.

The 'Abba' Prayer:  (Optional)
You are invited to pray in the spirit of the Abba/Lord's Prayer, and in your original language, as appropriate

All  Mystery of God
heartbeat of the universe,
centre of spirited change and rebirth;
we glorify your ways:
the ways of dignity and justice,
the ways of love for all creatures,
the ways of caring for the earth.

Let us be simple in our needs,
showing compassion for our neighbour,
sharing generously what we have,
letting go our hurts and fears.

For in you we find peace,
in you we find hope,
and in you we find courage,
now and forever. 
(Jenny Blood)


Hymn/Song  The people stand as they are able, to sing
The Freedom to Explore” (Tune: ‘The Star of the County Down’)
I thank you God for giving me 
The freedom to explore 
Unfettered by the words of some 
I’ll learn to know you more.
I see the sun, the moon, the stars 
The universe so grand.
Ten billion years or more of work 
All crafted by your hand.

Nature abounds, the pulse of life 
Reveals your presence clear. 
Above, below, within, without
I touch, I see, I hear.
Jesus, the gateway of my soul
I heed your songs of love.
Oh, Holy Spirit enter in, 
Descending as a dove.


Where Wide Sky Rolls Down” (Tune: 'Hanover',                                      188(v1-3) TiS
Where wide sky rolls down and touches red sand,
where sun turns to gold the grass of the land,
let spinifex, mulga and waterhole tell
their joy in the One who made everything well.

Where rain-forest calm meets reef, tide and storm,
where green things grow lush and oceans are warm,
let every sea-creature and tropical bird
exult in the light of the life-giving Word.

Where red gum and creek cross hillside and plain,
where cool tree-ferns rise to welcome the rain,
let bushland, farm, mountain-top, all of their days
delight in the Spirit who formed them for praise.

Parting Words
As we prepare to leave this sacred space where we have worshipped together,
let us return to our homes and work
enlivened and renewed...
The Community Candle is extinguished

May we go forth from this place
thankful for the life that sustains and renews us,
and open to the grace that surrounds and surprises us.
All  May we go forth from this place
with openness and with thanksgiving.  

Words of Blessing
As the kookaburra gently settles on the tree,
receive the gift of Peace.

As the sun rises with light and warmth,
receive the gift of Life.

As the wind moves and dances round the earth,
receive the gracious gift of the Spirit.  (Adapt.David Stewart/wb)
All  May it be so!

Hymn/Song  (Cont.)  “The Freedom to Explore” (Tune: ‘The Star of the County Down’)
I disregard the words of some 
Who claim the only way.
The prize is theirs and only theirs’ 
They hear the Bible say.
Oh God of Christian, Hindu, Jain 
Of Muslim, Sikh and Jew.
Oh God of each and every way
I put my trust in you.

In love we can discern your joy, 
Your vision and your scheme.
A love of life, a life of love 
Becomes our holy dream.
I thank you God for giving me 
The freedom to explore. 
Unfettered by the words of some 
I’ve come to love you more.  (© Monty Lynds, 2006/pcnbritain)

• Monty Lynds has given permission for this material to be used in public. 
He retains the copyright and would like to be credited.


Where Wide Sky Rolls Down”  (Tune: 'Hanover',                                     188(v4) TiS
Now, people of faith, come gather around
with songs to be shared, for blessings abound!
Australians, whatever your culture or race,
come, lift up your hearts to the Giver of grace.  (Elizabeth J Smith)
The people sit after the hymn

'This Week' at (NN)
Significant Events
Journey Candles


Morning tea is now served.
You are invited to share in this time of fellowship.

You are invited to keep this copy of the liturgy and take it home with you
to share with another member of your family, or with a friend

Please include any reproduction of hymns/songs for local church use
on your Music Licence returns, as appropriate

Some of the Resources used in Shaping this Liturgy:
Abbott, M. Sparks of the Cosmos. Rituals for Seasonal Use. Unley: MediaCom Education, 2001.
Duncan, G. (ed). A World of Blessing. Benedictions from Every Continent and Many Cultures. Norwich: The Canterbury Press, 2000.
Duncan, G. (ed). Courage to Love. An Anthology of Inclusive Worship Material. Norwich: The Canterbury Press, 2002.
Holy Bible. NRSV. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1989.
Howard, R. C. Unity Tree: Collected Poems. Createspace Independent Publishing, 2015
Inclusive Readings. Year C. Brisbane: Inclusive Language Project. In private circulation, 2006.
Lee, M. & B. B. Scott. Sound Mapping the New Testament. Santa Rosa. Polebridge Press, 2009.
McRae-McMahon, D. The Glory of Blood, Sweat and Tears. Liturgies for living and dying. Melbourne: JBCE, 1996.
(TEL) Murray, S. E. Touch the Earth Lightly. New Hymns Written between 2003 & 2008. Carol Stream: Hope Publishing, 2008.
Patton, K. L. Services and Songs for the Celebration of Life. Boston. Beacon Press, 1967.
(MTH)  Pratt, A. More Than Hymns. Words for a Lyrical Faith. London. Stainer & Bell, 2015.
Prewer, B. D. Jesus our Future. Prayers for the Twenty-first Century. Adelaide: OpenBook Publishers, 1998.
Special Resources. UCA National Assembly. (Issued from time to time).
(TiS) Together in Song. Australian Hymn Book 2. Sydney: HarperCollins Religious, 1999.
Vosper, G. We All BreathePoems and Prayers. Toronto. File 14: PostPurgical Resources, 2012

Web sites/Other: 
Strong, Blanchard, Huff, Howe. UUA Worship Web. Boston.
“God Given Energy” Andrew Pratt eMail distribution. UK. Direct from the author. 
 "All Present, All Visible..." S. Klosterboer.
'Abba Prayer’. Jenny Blood. A New Zealand Anglican priest. <>.  
David Galston. Quest Learning Centre for Religious Literacy.
Monty Lynds. “The Freedom to Explore” Progressive Christianity Network Britain.