Here, in this space made sacred by our shared lives and our shared yearnings,
may we find new courage,
new generosity of spirit,
forgiveness given and received,
and rededication to the higher purposes of our lives.
Let us not add to the hopelessness that is in the world.
But may wonder and adventure,
curiosity and humour, live in us always.
May there be aroused in us a determination
that by the fuller living of our lives
we might find the meaning that life is trying to teach us.
Though we seek always for our lives to be full of goodness,
we sometimes lack courage
to right the injustices that confront us.
Though we seek always to be generous,
sometimes our selfishness has killed the soil with excessive chemicals
turning fertile paddocks into lifeless salt plains.
Though we seek always to understand the larger mysteries,
sometimes we become insensitive to the groans
of the spirit of creation.
All this we lament.
May we now be filled with
new passion,
new resolve,
to take the next step in our own lives
and in the life of the Earth.
The moments of gathering quickly pass…
May the little that we know become enough to guide us,
while we seek for new wisdom.
What our reflections and meditations begin, may our lives continue.
May it be so