In the midst of our everyday
we are faced with choices and possibilities.
Creativity and hope are bubbling, birthing within us.
Each day brings opportunities to lift us,
to challenge us,
to fascinate us…
our minds,
our relationships,
our bodies.
May we strive to see beyond our limitations.
May that which lies waiting in our hearts
come to birth within and through us.
May we live into each new day the fullness of each possibility…
During this time called Winter
leaves are gone from our trees,
winds chill each morning sunrise,
colours have faded from our gardens.
Yet we also sense that this time called Winter
is also a time of mystery, for it speaks
of the unknown, the unseen.
May we experience during this season, times
when we need to be silent and when to listen.
May each Winter day surprise us again and again.
And as Spring follows Winter, may the beginnings
and dreams planted at this time,
come to new promise even in the midst
of change and loss
As we reflect on the issues of this day in our wider world
may we honour the many ways in which
our sisters and brothers in many places
weave healing and hope into the world.
Together, may our common desires for peace
create within us the courage and opportunity
to work together toward such peace.
This is our prayer.
May it be so.