In the silence of this moment together
we celebrate our common origin
with everything that exists.

We celebrate the mystery we call ‘G-o-d’,
the Ground and Sustainer
of everything that exists,
in whom we live and move and have our being.

We give thanks that the sacred is everywhere present,
visible in every human person who loves.
May we use the gifts we have, imaginatively.
May we share them with one another.
May we have the grace to use and share our gifts
to bring healing to a hurting world.

We breathe this life, as we breathe the air about us.
May we breathe it more deeply.

We lament the times we have placed limits on the spirit’s work in us:
by our lack of understanding,
by acting as if we were disconnected from our neighbour and the world,
by our deliberate words and actions that have ruptured connectedness,
and by our lack of concern for social justice and environmental issues.

Let us resolve to move on with our lives 
in spite of whatever troubles or challenges may befall us. 

May we feel the inner strength,
the courage,
the resolve
to shape our future lives in ways that
give dignity to them
and help add dignity to others.

We do this in response to the call we feel... to be co-creators of creation.
May it be so.