In this moment of life, may we be sustained
in the silence of our own thoughts and reflections...

Let us quiet the throbbings of the past week.
May we become the people we are meant to be.

May we in our gathering and this sacred space be blessed.
May we open ourselves ever more fully
to that mystery which lures us onward
toward life and creativity.

May we hold one another
in the deep and tender places with compassion,
and may we grace one another
by sharing our own vulnerabilities,
being ever mindful of the divinity within that makes soul mates of us all...

We pause to reflect once again on our place in our communities and in this world.
As stardust, we are woven with life,
textured with love,
living our lives in a crucible of changes and challenges.

Even in the midst of discouragement and pain, we know our world is beautiful.
But we often miss it or declare it otherwise.

As a community on the way, we are mindful of ways
to both improve the world and enjoy the world.

May we, with holy Presence, subvert the paradigms
of oppression and dominations in the personal and global realities.

May we enjoy the pleasures and ecstasy of being human
on this earthly sphere.

As community, we remember
those we love,
those we miss,
those ill,
those receiving chemotherapy and radiation,
those struggling with mental illness,
those grieving,
those angry and empty…

May it be so.