In this moment of life, may we be sustained
in the silence of our own thoughts and prayers...

Let us quieten the anxieties and the actions of the past week.
May we claim the silence of this sacred place, as a friend.

We are grateful to enjoy another spring day,
and for the chance to live fully, to love wastefully,
and to be all that we can be.

For such vivid reminders of the great elements of life, we are grateful:
sun bathing earth with energy it needs to be sustained,
all green life - generating oxygen for our life’s breaths,
water that flows within and all around giving all sacred drink,
and the fertile earth we walk upon - the land and soil which bears forth our daily bread.

All things, connected and different.
All things sacred and instilled with grace and beauty.

We unleash this day the sparks of life planted in each of us:
in our gifts, talents, unique skills,
language, gestures, smiles,
laughter and tears.

We commit to elastic hearts and open minds.

And may the life that is so strong within each of us
be a source of life and love for those around:
those struggling,
those overwhelmed,
those grieving,
those battling,
those adjusting…

People in peace.  People ripped with violence.

Source of all things, empower us and restore our faithing,
that love and life may flow out through us….
May it be so.