Details on the availability of my books, supporting progressive religious thought, HERE
Suggestion: ’Refresh’ each page before reading to make sure to get my latest edition
‘The Other Lectionary’ - a suggested ‘southern hemisphere’ Lectionary (with a few Resources added) offered in parallel to,
or even replacement of, the RCL which is in standard use by many.
“Landscape is an incredible, mystical teacher, and when you begin to tune into its sacred presence,
something shifts inside you”
5 March 2023. Lent2A. (Purple).
International Women's Day
Celebrating Community in the Tradition of the Meal
Acknowledgement of Country/First Peoples
(An act towards reconciliation)
For thousands of years Indigenous people have walked
in this land, on their own country.
Their relationship with the land is at the centre of their lives.
We acknowledge the (NN) People of the (NN) Nation, past, present, and emerging,
and their stewardship of this land throughout the ages.
First Peoples Statement to the Nation 2017 called “Uluru Statement from the Heart” HERE
A Response from Common Dreams5 Conference of Religious Progressives,
Australia/South Pacific 2019 HERE
And we recognise and give thanks that we humans
are creatures of the Earth living in the ecosystem
—flowers, trees and insects; land, waters and mountain range—
that is unique to (NN).
May we honour one another and honour life itself.
(NN) is a safe place for all people to worship regardless of
race, creed, age, cultural background or sexual orientation
Rich and Striking Visuals
“The function of beauty… is to make us aware of a reality which is richer and deeper
and more marvellous than anything we can dream or conceive.” (Henry N. Wieman)
Multi-sensory artwork OR Floral/Symbols display (cloths, candles, stones, wood, leaves, flowers, earth, water) OR projection of Film/Video
Refreshment Station/Water Basins
Pottery basins are set on stands near the entrance to the Gathering space.
Attendees are invited to dip their hands in the cool water in the basins as they arrive.
Or to rinse each other’s hands.
That we may relax, be refreshed, and prepare for this time together.
(Note: A small sign is placed above the basin explaining that as they dip their hands in the water, they are invited to relax and try to mindfully set aside or release for a time anything that might be preventing them from being fully present—each traveller rinsing the “dust from the road”).
(A suggestion of other words)
We come together from our separate lives,
each of us bringing our concerns, our preoccupations, our hopes, and our dreams.
We are not yet fully present.
The traffic, the last-minute cooking, the final details still cling to us.
Our bodies hold the rush of the past few hours.
It is now time to let go of these pressures and really arrive…
When you are ready, repeat silently to yourself: ‘Hineini’ or ‘Here I am’.
Hineini is used in the Torah to signify being present in body, mind, and spirit.
It means settling into where we are and simply being “here”. (Adapted/Nan Fink Gene)
Gathering Music
Entry into the Celebration
The gong is sounded three times
We gather here
to celebrate life's beauty and find healing for its pain,
to wonder at the mystery that gave us birth,
and to listen for the wisdom that guides us
in the quietness of this moment. (Gary Kowalski)
Let us then celebrate the richness and diversity of life.
Lighting of the Community Candle
The Community Candle is lit
Note: (i) A suggested process for introducing new hymns, called Hymn of the Month, can be found HERE
(ii) Additional Special Purpose Hymns that cover major international events or themes can be found HERE They include these categories: 1. Bush (Brush) Fire, 2. Tsunami, Storms/Cyclones, 3. Earthquakes, 4. War/Remembrance, 5. Caregiving, 6. God as Mother, 7. Human Trafficking, 8. Disabled, 9. Migration/Refugees, 10. Terrorist Attacks, 11. Science/Cosmology
(iii) Specific resources on Terrorism HERE
(iv) On Wonder, Awe, and Nature HERE
Hymn/Song The people stand as they are able, to sing
“One in Love, We Meet Together” (Tune: ‘Hyfrydol’ 87.87D)
One in love, we meet together,
one in time, and never apart.
We in flesh as brother, sister,
makes us one in mind and heart.
All incarnate, we would offer,
all we most sincerely prize,
Learning though traditions differ
how they join to make us wise.
One in outlook, always searching,
not to bind in common creed,
As a people, be more ready
to respond to other’s need.
Here we are so finely fashioned,
understanding, here to serve,
Never narrow in compassion,
empathy without reserve.
As in Christ, may we discover
that to give is to receive,
That in God the good is present,
ever, always we perceive.
Not by chance the world’s creation,
not by chance was life begun,
God is love and our vocation
is to love ‘til love has won. (Adapted by Betty Van Till/3C Exchange)
“A Hymn of Exploration” (Tune: ‘Northbrook’,
We take the path that leads beyond this moment,
while seeking all the hope faith has to give;
we walk so near the edge of understanding,
while grasping what we need to know to live.
This is no abstract whim that we are tracing,
this story of God’s free, creative grace;
this is no empty, useless recitation,
but God’s own love that nothing can erase.
The vision that you give, each new disclosure,
will bring us closer to our common goal,
the point where you assure us of salvation,
for us and every other living soul. © Andrew Pratt 23/6/2010
Remain standing
Opening Sentences
Life is a journey with others;
we travel as a people, on a winding road.
All We share our lives, our experiences, our hopes, our fears.
With joy and hope we welcome other travellers
to share our lives.
All We learn from each other.
We laugh and cry with each other.
We are home with each other.
And together we celebrate God's presentness
All as we are refreshed and made ready
for re-creation in our lives and our communities.
Words of Awareness
Southern hemisphere:
May we live
with the grace of falling leaves,
the enthusiasm of the flaming Japanese Maples,
and with the serenity of the old fruit trees,
whose roots reach deep into the earth...
May we know
that living and dying are one,
that life is precious, and beautiful, and limited,
and that nothing good is ever lost...
This autumn, may we see
in the ways of nature
a way for ourselves. (Christine Robinson/adapt)
Northern hemisphere:
In this time of anticipated spring
let us allow ourselves to extend the anticipation -
to value the time of budding before blooming,
of seeding before sprouting...
A revelation of that which is new, never before seen.
It is that very newness
which embodies hope and potential
for the wholeness which is yet to be...
Let us allow spring to unfold slowly
that we may appreciate the true mystery
of rebirth and renewal. (Terasa Cooley/adapt)
We pray:
In this season of Lent, may we become more aware
of the presentness of the sacred:
in each other,
in music,
as we give and receive gifts of love...
That we may all live so others
can see this presentness alive in our actions.
May it be so with us.
Hymn/Song “Love Will Be Our Lenten Calling” (Tune: ‘Picardy’, 87.87.87) 684 TiS
Love will be our Lenten calling,
love to shake and shatter sin,
waking every closed, cold spirit,
stirring new life deep within,
till the quickened heart remembers
what our Easter birth can mean.
Peace will be our Lenten living
as we turn for home again,
longing for the words of pardon,
stripping off old grief and pain,
till we stand, restored and joyful,
with the Church on Easter day.
Truth will be our Lenten learning:
hear the Crucified One call!
Shadowed by the Saviour's passion,
images and idols fall,
and, in Easter's holy splendour,
God alone is all in all. (Elizabeth Smith)
“For the Beauty of the Earth” (Tune: ‘Dix’, 77.77.77) 21 SLT
For the beauty of the earth,
for the splendour of the skies,
for the love which from our birth
over and around us lies:
Source of all,
to thee we raise this
our hymn of grateful praise.
For the joy of ear and eye,
for the heart and mind’s delight,
for the mystic harmony
linking sense to sound and sight:
For the wonder of each hour
of the day and of the night,
hill and vale and tree and flower,
sun and moon and stars of light:
For the joy of human care,
sister, brother, parent, child,
for the kinship we all share,
for all gentle thought and mild:
Source of all,
to thee we raise this
our hymn of grateful praise. (FSPierpoint/adapt)
The people sit after the hymn
In your own words
A warm welcome is extended to all.
Especially those who are gathering at (NN) for the first time
or who have returned after an absence.
Your presence both enriches us and this time of celebration together.
Refer to printed liturgy.
Fellowship hour following the Gathering
Those visiting, please sign our Visitors book.
Presentation of Water Basins
Words which acknowledge that the dust of many roads and many life experiences has been rinsed into the basins, and calls for the contents of the basins and the gathering to be transformed, renewed, and more fully alive
The dust of many roads and may life experiences
has been washed in this refreshing water.
For this place is a sacred place.
May we
greet one another with open hearts and minds;
inspire each other to consider new questions
and seek deeper meaning;
and cultivate both wisdom and compassion.
And may this time together empower us to take some new steps
so all our living is transforming and the
yearning of our hearts become reality.
The bowls of water are removed from the Gathering space and poured onto a garden
Centering Silence
Centering silence has its roots in the earliest of monastic traditions of the ‘desert Fathers (abbas)/Mothers (ammas)’ and the Christian mystic tradition… Relaxing into ‘quietness’ creates the space for deep listening and draws you into yourself
Let us now take a moment to settle into the silence.
In these brief moments of silence and meditation may we find strength.
May our lives be rich in affection,
deep in understanding and sympathy for each other.
May the blessings of life be known to all. Bob Holmes/adapted
Music of Reflection
Wisdom from the World/Religious Traditions
“Wisdom is not just special knowledge about something. Wisdom is a way of being, a way of inhabiting the world. The beauty of wisdom is harmony, belonging and illumination of thought, action, heart and mind.” (John O’Donohue)
Reader: We listen for truth, yet it is elusive - a thought here, a verse there.
All May we collect it all, write what is worthy on our hearts,
and let the rest spill past our consciousness
leaving us clear and whole. (Gretta Vosper/ab)
• “Every Moment”
By Kai Siedenburg. Space Between the Stones/76
Every moment
the grasses
grow a little taller,
the buds
a bit closer
to being blossoms.
Every moment
clouds drift and shift
into new ways of being,
more of the fallen oak
finds new life as soil,
and countless creatures
breathe their first breath
while others
take their last.
Every moment
a fleeting moment,
even as it arises,
like a drop of water
flowing swiftly
toward the sea.
Step into the water.
Taste it
while you
still can.
• John 3:1-9 (Scholars Edition)
A Pharisee named Nicodemus, a Judean leader,
came to Jesus during the night and said,
"Rabbi, we know that you've come as a teacher from God;
after all, nobody can perform the miracles you do unless God is with him."
Jesus replied to him,
"As God is my witness: No one can experience God's imperial rule
without being born from above."
Nicodemus says to him,
"How can an adult be reborn?
Can you re-enter your mother's womb and be born a second time?"
Jesus replied,
"As God is my witness: No one can enter God's domain
without being born of water and spirit. What is born of the human realm is human,
but what is born of the spiritual realm is spirit.
"Don't be surprised that I told you,
'Every one of you must be reborn from above.'
"The spirit blows every which way, like wind:
you hear the sound it makes but you can't tell where it is coming from
or where it's headed. That's how it is
with everyone reborn of the spirit".
"How can that be possible?" Nicodemus retorted.
Contemporary Exploration
Silence for Personal Reflection
A Litany for Lent (Optional)
The people stand as they are able
Sustainer and giver of life,
may all people be freed from the temptations of power,
from the urge to control rather than enable.
All Come, Spirit, liberate us from the forces of domination.
Loving Empowerer, may we
challenge the abuse of authority wherever it is to be found,
including in ourselves.
All Come, Spirit, give us strength not to walk by on the other side.
Still Small Voice,
may we learn to listen to each other,
and may those in authority understand the strength
that comes from true consultation.
All Come, Spirit of Understanding, deepen our insights.
Loving Creativity,
may we affirm ourselves and others,
understanding that we are all unique,
and have voices that need to be heard.
All Come, Creator of Diversity, and help us see the value of difference.
Inclusive and Compassionate God,
may we recognise and challenge discrimination
based on gender, race, age, sexual orientation,
clericalism and other excuses for exclusion.
All Come, Spirit of Equality, and imbue us
with the values of interconnectedness with all created nature,
human and non-human. (Adapt. DMcEwan/ml)
If celebrating International Women’s Day
Litany of power, love, and strong minds
The people stand, as they are able
v1 Within our religious tradition many women have been silenced.
They are given no name.
Today, let us break that silence.
v2 God of our years, our lives are in your hands.
We remember today our foremothers,
who throughout time have used their gifts
of power, love, and the strong minds you gave them
to change the world.
We call upon these foremothers
to help us discover within ourselves our gifts.
All We remember Sarah, a strong woman of faith
who answered God's call to forsake her homeland
and to put her faith in the promises and covenant of God.
We pray for her power of faith.
All We remember Esther, Deborah, and Rahab,
who by acts of individual courage saved her people.
We pray for their sound minds and courage
acting for the greater good.
All We remember Mary Magdala, Johanna, Mary,
and the other women who followed Jesus
and who were not believed
when they announced the resurrection.
We pray for their love and faith
in the face of skepticism.
All We remember Phoebe, Priscilla, and all
the women leaders of the early church.
We pray for their power and sound minds
that spread the gospel and inspired congregations.
All We pray for the love and creativity
of women who were first in their field.
We pray for their power of leadership
and their creative thinking.
All May they be granted power and responsibility
as they open up new possibilities for all women.
We pray for our daughters and granddaughters.
All May they be granted the power, love and creative minds
to seek that life which is uniquely theirs.
Wn We have celebrated our power.
We have celebrated our love.
We have celebrated our strong minds.
We have been given these gifts.
v1 Spirit of God be with us
in our speaking,
in our loving,
in our searching
and in our celebrating.
All Amen. May it be so. (UCA.Commision for Women & Men)
Sharing 'The Peace’ (Optional)
Let us take a moment to celebrate each other.
May a heart of peace rest with you.
All And also with you. (David Galston/q)
You are invited to share the peace with your neighbours
Facing the person with right hand on your heart and a slight bow of the head…
The Divine in me honours the Divine in you.
The Light in me recognises the Light in you.
The spirit within me sees the spirit within you.
Hymn/Song People stand as they are able, to sing
“Wisdom Far Beyond” (Tune: 'Coronation Road') 157 HoS
Wisdom far beyond our knowledge,
Word of endless mystery,
God, in whom is comprehended
all that was, is now, will be,
you have set us free to wander,
world on world, through time and space,
haunted by the hope of heaven,
nurtured by your constant grace.
Unimaginable lover,
faithful to eternity,
God, fulfilling and indwelling
all that was, is now, will be,
we can never stray beyond you,
loving Presence, you are here:
called to join your great adventure,
forth we go to find you there.
Beating heart of all creation,
first and final unity,
God who draws all things together,
all that was, is now, will be,
we have heard your distant music,
shared your dream of harmony:
now we go as reconcilers,
makers of community.
Focus of our search for meaning,
truth in our perplexity,
God the One by whom we measure
all that was, is now, will be,
centre of our heart’s devotion,
magnet of our questing mind,
spirit’s birth and soul’s companion,
journey’s end in you we find. (Colin Gibson)
In Solidarity
Care Candle:
We are people of all ages who enter this space
bringing our joys and concerns.
Joys and Celebrations; Griefs and Concerns shared
Focused Thoughts:
Listening Response:
May we today be touched by grace.
May we move beyond viewing this life only through a frame,
Wm but touch and be touched by it,
Mn know it and be known by it,
All Love it and be loved by it (Chinook Psalter/ep).
And so we take a flame and light our special Care Candle…
The Care Candle is lit
For ourselves, for those named or remembered, and in solidarity with those
who have not the freedom to express their concern or celebration
for fear of discrimination or condemnation.
In all our joys and in all our concerns, may we be ever mindful
of the presentness of God among us,
and to see the new possibilities of the now.
The ‘Abba' Prayer: (Optional)
You are invited to pray in the spirit of the Abba/Lord's Prayer in your original language, as that is appropriate
All Indwelling God,
infused throughout all existence,
we honour you with many names.
Your realm is within the human heart.
We accept life for all that it can be,
on earth as throughout all creation.
May we continue to draw sustenance from this earth,
and may we receive forgiveness equal to our own.
May we ever move from separation toward union,
to live in grace, with love in our hearts,
forever and ever. Amen. (Fred F Keip)
With the Children
Children gather on the conversation mat
"Somewhere someone"
The kingdom of love is coming because:
All somewhere someone is kind when others are unkind,
somewhere someone shares with another in need,
somewhere someone refuses to hate, while others hate,
somewhere someone is patient - and waits in love,
somewhere someone returns good for evil,
somewhere someone serves another, in love,
somewhere someone is calm in a storm,
somewhere someone is loving everybody.
Is that someone you? (Binkley & McKeel/jke)
As we bring our offerings and gifts forward,
may our whole lives move forward,
in good faith,
with good feelings,
and with a good belief about the future.
May all that we give today, be blessed.
And all that we receive enrich our life and the lives of others.
Source and Sustainer of life we name God,
present and active from the beginning of time,
we are gathered in your ever presentness.
All And it is right that we give thanks and praise,
and tell our stories of celebration and connectedness.
In time beyond our dreaming
Creativity God hovered over the water
and was revealed in fire and storm and precious law.
Likewise, humanity in this creative likeness evolved on earth,
along with earth's minerals and waters,
flowers and fruits,
living creatures of grace and beauty!
All We offer this our thanks and praise.
Our stories go on to say:
Noah was shown a rainbow;
Moses gained courage to free his people,
in the face of danger Miriam would sing;
Esther found new strength, and
Ruth stayed loyal.
All We give thanks for women and men
in many different cultures and times, who spoke about
our connectedness with each other,
and with all of creation.
In the 40 days of Lent,
we remember the love made manifest in the
birth, life, and death of Jesus of Nazareth.
In his healing acts and radical teachings
we recall the words he spoke
to call forth love, care and respect for one another.
We are grateful for this assurance of
love amidst human betrayal,
care amidst hatred,
respect amidst oppression.
And so, with Elizabeth who prophesied your birth,
Martha who confessed you as the Anointed One,
and James and John who sought to follow in your way,
we offer our praise and thanks:
All Holy, holy, holy, vulnerable God,
heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of God.
All Hosanna in the highest.
Bread and White Wine
We remember our living tradition…
At the end of a journey, among friends, gathered round a table...
Long ago, Jesus took bread,
and after offering a blessing, broke it:
v2 'This bread is broken, as my body will be'.
He handed it to his friends, and invited them to eat:
v2 'Remember all that I have been to you'.
Long ago, Jesus poured a cup of wine,
and after offering a blessing, gave it to his friends,
v2 'This wine is poured out, as my life will be.
As you drink give thanks for all I have given'.
Bread... the very stuff of life, in which is gathered up
warm sun, rich Australian earth, gentle rain,
human labour and knowledge and skill.
Wine... fruit of the vine, nurtured, tended, harvested,
and pressed out for us to drink.
In the breaking of the bread
and the sharing of the wine,
All may we know God’s continuing presence.
May the gathering of this community of faith
be comforted and challenged during this Lenten season.
All May people see in us the courage and the generosity
that characterised Jesus' life.
Bread and White Wine served
Hymn/Song The people stand as they are able, to sing
“Tree of Life” (Tune: Thomas, 87.8.77) 307(v1-3) GA
Light of life beyond conceiving,
Mighty Spirit of our Lord;
Give new strength to our believing,
Give us faith to live your word.
Give us faith to live your word.
From the dawning of creation,
You have loved us as your own;
Stay with us through all temptation,
Make us turn to you alone.
Make us turn to you alone.
We remember truth once spoken,
Love passed on through act and word,
Ev’ry person lost and broken
Wears the body of our Lord.
Wears the body of our Lord.
Remain standing
Parting Words
Time has now come for us to leave this sacred place.
As we do, may we embrace the challenges
of our lives and our world...
The Community Candle is extinguished
Our celebration need not cease.
All It can echo in our lives,
in our words,
in our deeds,
in our moods,
in our dreams.
Carry worship with you wherever you may go.
Be a blessing in your going out and your coming in. Gordon B McKeeman
Words of Blessing
v1 Blessing of galaxies, blessing of stars:
Great stars, small stars, red stars, blue ones.
v2 Blessing of nebula, blessing of supernova,
planets, satellites, asteroids, comets.
v1 Blessing of our sun and moon, blessing of our earth;
oceans, rivers, continents, mountain ranges
v2 Blessing of wind and cloud, blessing of rain;
fog bank, snowdrift, lightning and thunder.
v1 Bless the wisdom of the holy one above us.
Bless the truth of the holy one beneath us.
Bless the love of the holy one within us. (Edit. Chinook Psalter/ep)
All Amen! May it be so!
Hymn/Song (Cont) “Tree of Life” (Tune: Thomas, 87.8.77) 307(v4-5) GA
Give us eyes to see you clearly,
Make us children of your light;
Give us hearts to live more nearly
As your gospel shining bright.
As your gospel shining bright.
God of all our fear and sorrow,
God who lives beyond our death;
Hold us close through each tomorrow,
Love as near as every breath.
Love as near as every breath (Marty Haugen)
The people sit after the hymn/song
'This Week' at (NN)
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Significant Events
Journey Candles
Morning tea is now served.
You are invited to share in this time of fellowship
You are invited to keep this copy of the liturgy and take it home with you
to share with another member of your family, or with a friend
Please include any reproduction of hymns/songs for local church use
on your Music Licence returns, as appropriate
During Lent…
As a family, be more mindful of how we live in partnership with the earth. Consider not only what you may choose to give up, but also what you may choose to do. This sample list of earth-friendly activities may give you/family members some ideas. Then when Easter comes, we can truly celebrate the renewal of life.
1. Search out information about any local wildlife creatures. Share what you discover with others.
2. Make a wildlife or habitat map of your back yard or neighbourhood.
3. Set up a bird feeder. Note how many different varieties of birds attend.
4. Take care of houseplants.
5. Recycle shopping bags or use a sturdy cloth bag when going to the supermarket.
6. Use natural light when possible.
7. Recycle clothes by passing them along to friends, family, or local thrift shops.
8. Avoid using styrofoam or plastic containers and products.
9. Go on a walk and observe nature - plants, water, insects, bird life.
10. Talk to grandparents or local ‘old-timers’ about how the local neighbourhood has changed over the years. How has their relationship with the area changed?
11. When visiting a supermarket, pause… What plant or animal died to provide your favourite foods? What died to provide food for your food?
12. Spend a clear evening counting falling stars.
13. Monitor social media for stories on any new scars that were made on the earth. Create an album of newspaper clippings and look for patterns or trends.
14. Write a letter to a company or agency that is creating earth scars (a pesticide company for example). Cite the effects about which you are concerned and encourage corrective action.
Some of the Resources used in Shaping this Liturgy:
Binkley, C. G. & J. M. McKeel. Jesus and his Kingdom of Equals. An International Curriculum on the Life and Teaching of Jesus. Santa Rosa. Polebridge Press, 2001.
Funk, R. W. & R. W. Hoover. The Five Gospels. The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus. New York. Macmillan Press, 1993.
(GA) Gather Australia. Ashburton. NLMC Publications, 1995.
Holmes, R. H. The Bob Holmes Worship Materials. Vol 1. Little Falls. Self published, 1972.
(HoS) Hope is our Song. New Hymns and Songs from Aotearoa New Zealand. Palmerston North. The New Zealand Hymnbook Trust, 2009.
McEwan, D. et al. (ed). Making Liturgy. Creating Rituals for Worship and Life. Norwich. The Canterbury Press, 2001.
Morely, J. All Desires Known. Expanded edition. London. SPCK, 1992.
Morwood, M. Praying a New Story. Richmond. Spectrum Publications, 2003.
Roberts, E. & E. Amidon. Earth Prayers from Around the World. 365 Prayers, Poems, and Invocations for Honoring the Earth. New York. HarperCollins, 1991.
Seaburg, C. (ed). The Communion Book. Boston. UUMA, 1993.
Siedenburg, K. Space Between the Stones. Poems and Practices for Connecting with Nature, Spirit, and Creativity. Santa Cruz. Our Nature Connection, 2020
(SLT) Singing the Living Tradition. Boston. UUA, 1993.
(TiS) Together in Song. Australian Hymn Book 2. Sydney. HarperCollins Religious, 1999.
Tucker, M. E. & J. Grim. Thomas Berry: Selected Writings on the Earth Community. Maryknoll. Orbis Books, 2014.
Withrow, L. Seasons of Prayer. Resources for Worship. London. SPCK, 1995.
Web sites/Other:
Kowalski, Robinson, Cooley, Keip, McKeeman. UUA Worship Web. Boston. <>
"Hymn of Exploration". Andrew Pratt blog site. <>
Refreshment Station. Words by Nan Fink Gefen, taken from an Evolutionary Passover Haggadah by Tree Bressen.