Let us prepare a manger in our hearts for the birth of the sacred.
For something sacred needs to be born.
On this day may we be inspired to take hold of important things:
the gift of life itself,
the resources that come from within us…
resources that are alive when we meet with one another,
resources that come from our pioneers,
resources from beyond us.
May we take hold of these resources and let them transform our lives.
Living in an at times tragic world, let us
remind ourselves it is also a hopeful world, with
a future yet to be shaped,
a future wanting to enlist builders of a better tomorrow.
Let us enlist with those who will build a better future.
And let us be comforted by the fact
it is never foolish to believe in a better tomorrow,
it is never faithless to believe that the tender mercies of
love, truth and justice are on the side of the angels.
And this is the season when those angels tell us
that something sacred wants to be born.
It needs a manger.
Let us prepare a manger in our hearts for the birth of the sacred.
As we regather some strength,
as we regather some wisdom,
as we regather healing and hope,
let these thoughts and reflections
be for us our Advent meditation.
May it be so.