Life-giving G-o-d,
at the dawn of time your spirit hovered over the waters of the deep
and brought form and life to creation.
Overshadow your world today
and give to us a new sense of wonder and responsibility
for this planet
and all its creatures.
Life is sometimes complicated and many of us feel powerless to make a difference.
Our coping capacities run low.
Fears and dangers can block out the awareness
of the goodness
and the strength that surrounds us.
May we pause, and in this sacred place, be reminded
that we are a people of God,
that we are accepted and strengthened,
encouraged and blessed.
May we continue to look with compassion
on all in danger or recovering from, a natural disaster,
and from those catastrophes
we inflict on others and ourselves.
May we be empowered with your spirit
to faithfully serve and proclaim the good news of justice, peace and love.
May we offer a word of healing to those who are injured,
hope to those in despair,
comfort to those who mourn or anxiously wait.
Let the powerful nations of the world
now spread goodwill and justice among all peoples.
Let there now be fostered in government leaders
a desire to search out pathways of collaboration.
Let people set on violence and destruction
now be encouraged to find their greatest strength
in pursuing pathways of reconciliation.
This is our prayer.