Suggestion: ’Refresh’ each page before reading to make sure to get my latest edition
‘The Other Lectionary’ is a suggested ‘southern hemisphere’ Lectionary (with a few Resources added) offered in parallel to,
or even replacement of, the RCL which is in standard use by many.
“There is a need for the religious traditions… to appreciate that the primary sacred community
is the universe itself, and that every other community
becomes sacred by participation in this primary community.”
12 November 2023. Pentecost 24A. (Green).
Acknowledgement of Country/First Peoples
(An act towards reconciliation)
For thousands of years Indigenous people have walked
in this land, on their own country.
Their relationship with the land is at the centre of their lives.
We acknowledge the (NN) People of the (NN) Nation, past, present, emerging,
and their stewardship of this land throughout the ages.
First Peoples Statement to the Nation 2017 is called “Uluru Statement from the Heart”
A Response from Common Dreams5 Conference of Religious Progressives,
Australia/South Pacific 2019
Both available at Affirmations/Manifestoes
And we recognise and give thanks that we humans
are creatures of the Earth living in the ecosystem
—flowers, trees and insects; land, waters and mountain range—
that is unique to (NN).
May we honour one another and honour life itself.
(NN) is a safe place for all people to worship regardless of
race, creed, age, cultural background or sexual orientation
Rich and Striking Visuals
“The function of beauty… is to make us aware of a reality which is richer and deeper
and more marvellous than anything we can dream or conceive.” (Henry N. Wieman)
Multi-sensory artwork OR Floral/Symbols display (cloths, candles, stones, wood, leaves, flowers, earth, water) OR projection of Film/Video
Gathering Music
Entry into the Celebration
The gong is sounded three times
As we gather in all our diversity…
Let us celebrate the richness and diversity of life.
Lighting of the Community Candle
The Community Candle is lit in silence
In the mystery of life about us there is light.
Let the light we kindle go before us,
strong in hope,
wide in good will,
inviting the new day to come. (Adapt.GKBeach)
Note: Check out 'Special Liturgies’ (this site) for the following:
(i) A suggested process for introducing new hymns is called Hymn of the Month
(ii) Additional Special Purpose Hymns that cover major international events or themes. They include these categories: 1. Bush (Brush) Fire, 2. Tsunami, Storms/Cyclones, 3. Earthquakes, 4. War/Remembrance, 5. Caregiving, 6. God as Mother, 7. Human Trafficking, 8. Disabled, 9. Migration/Refugees, 10. Terrorist Attacks, 11. Science/Cosmology
(iii) Some specific resources on Terrorism
(iv) On Wonder, Awe, and Nature
Song/Hymn The people stand as they are able, to sing
“Hope” (Tune: ‘Maccabeus’ Refrain) 20 SNS3
Hope is forever; it will never end;
Like the rainbow — ageless; we can’t comprehend;
Like the mountains — matchless; as a trusted friend;
Like the ocean — boundless; on it we depend.
Hope is forever; like the rising sun;
Always brings new promise; light to everyone.
Hope is elusive when we’re feeling low;
Dark clouds are depressing; life has lost its glow;
Duty can be pressing; pulls like undertow;
Hope then brings a blessing; joy can overflow.
Hope in the future; God is always there
In love and compassion, and with more to spare;
Love that has no ration, for all, everywhere;
This was Jesus’ passion, shown in love and care. (George Stuart)
“For the Music of Creation” 41 AA
For the music of creation,
for the song your Spirit sings,
for your sound's divine expression,
burst of joy in living things:
God, our God, the worlds composer,
hear us, echoes of your voice:
music is your art, your glory,
let the human heart rejoice!
Psalms and symphonies exalt you,
drum and trumpet, string and reed,
simple melodies acclaim you,
tunes that rise from deepest need,
hymns of longing and belonging,
carols from a cheerful throat,
lilt of lullaby and lovesong
catching heaven in a note.
All the voices of the ages
in transcendent chorus meet,
worship lifting up the senses,
hands that praise and dancing feet;
over discord and division
music speaks your joy and peace,
harmony of earth and heaven,
song of God that cannot cease! Shirley Erena Murray
Remain standing after the hymn/song
Opening Sentences
As the sea gathers its waters
for the next waves on the shore:
All So God’s people gather for loving.
As the notes of harmony congregate
for the sound of music:
All So God’s people cluster in community.
As the wind sweeps the air
into great clouds of beauty:
All So God’s people wonder at creation. (Adapt.Dorothy McRae-McMahon/plpm)
Words of Awareness
Within us is the courage of creators,
to make bold plans,
to make wise use of materials and powers.
Progress is not inevitable,
except when we take that which is merely possible,
and by our determination
make it inevitable. (Kenneth L Patton/sscl)
We pray:
Steadfast God, you visit us in our aloneness
but we express you best in our togetherness.
May our time together express
that quality of fellowship, which is a
true expression of your presentness. (Adapt. Donald S Harrington/owos)
May it be so.
Song/Hymn “Keep Wide Your Heart” (Tune: ‘Trentham’, Breathe on Me, Breath of God)
Keep wide your heart to love,
all it might ever be.
Count not the cost love may impose;
to pay it, our deepest need.
Keep wide your mind to truth,
all it might ever mean.
All self-delusions, let them go
and truth, it will set you free.
Keep wide your life to dreams
easing the fear-filled night,
until each possibility
glows with a persistent light.
Keep wide the road to hope.
Clear off its weed-fill’d way,
that all might walk it, side by side,
toward a more perfect day. (© 2016 Gretta Vosper)
"Where the Road Runs Out" 156 AA
Where the road runs out and the signposts end,
where we come to the edge of today,
be the God of Abraham for us,
send us out upon our way.
Lord, you were our beginning,
the faith that gave us birth.
We look to you, our ending,
our hope for heaven and earth.
When the coast is left and we journey on
to the rim of the sky and the sea,
be the sailor's friend, be the dolphin Christ,
lead us in to eternity.
When the clouds are low and the wind is strong,
when tomorrow's storm draws near,
be the spirit bird hovering overhead
who will take away our fear. Colin Gibson
The people sit
Or in your own words
A warm welcome is extended to all.
Especially those who are gathering at (NN) for the first time
or who have returned after an absence.
Your presence both enriches us and this time of celebration together.
Refer to printed liturgy.
Fellowship hour following the Gathering.
Those visiting, please sign our Visitors book.
Centering Silence
Centering silence has its roots in the earliest of monastic traditions of the ‘desert Fathers (abbas)/Mothers (ammas)’
and the Christian mystic tradition… Relaxing into ‘quietness’ creates the space for deep listening and draws you into yourself
We are gathered together in this sacred place
to seek strength and courage for this, and the coming days.
So let this time of silence gently enfold us.
And here once more, may we commit ourselves
to the building of a nobler life, for all humankind.
Music of Reflection
Wisdom from the Religious Traditions
“Wisdom is not just special knowledge about something. Wisdom is a way of being, a way of inhabiting the world.
The beauty of wisdom is harmony, belonging and illumination of thought, action, heart and mind.” (John O’Donohue)
Reader: May we be struck by the wisdom of these words
and marked by hearing them.
All For within story lies meaning, and
within meaning, the wisdom for which we seek. (Gretta Vosper/ab)
• “The Life of All”
By Miriam Therese Winter. Bread of Tomorrow/137. (Based on Psalm 104)
God of power,
God of people,
You are the life of all
that lives,
that fills the earth,
that brings to birth,
the impetus
toward making whole
whatever is bruised
or broken.
In you we grow
to know the truth
that sets all creation free.
You are the song
the whole earth sings,
the promise
liberation brings,
now and forever.
• Matthew 25:1-13 (Inclusive Text/Adapt)
When talking about the final coming in glory,’
Jesus spoke this parable to the disciples:
The kingdom of heaven will be like this…
Ten young women took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom.
Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.
When the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them;
but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps.
As the bridegroom was delayed, all of them
became drowsy and slept.
But at midnight there was a shout:
‘Look! Here is the bridegroom! Come out to met him.’
Then all those young women got up and trimmed their lamps.
The foolish said to the wise:
‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’
But the wise replied:
'No! there will not be enough for you and for us; you had better go to the dealers
and buy some for yourselves.’
And while they went to buy it, the bridegroom came,
and those who were ready went with him into the wedding banquet;
and the door was shut.
Later the other young women came also, saying,
‘Master, master, open to us.’
But he replied: ‘Truly I tell you, I do not know you.’
Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
Contemporary Exploration
Silence for Personal Reflection
A Remembrance Day Litany: Ashes, Stones, and Flowers (Optional)
In memory of all Victims of War and Terrorism
The litany requires either actually standing at a running river or a lake, or if in a building bringing a large basin of water into the center of a church, synagogue, mosque, temple, or other space. It also requires having a list of names of people of various countries who have died and are dying as victims of war and terrorism.
For vibrant lives suddenly and shamelessly sacrificed,
We lift up the ashes of our loss,
O Source of Life.
For the lives that continue, haunted forever by the pain of absence,
We lift up the ashes of our remorse,
O Wellspring of Compassion.
For the conflagration of flames and nightmare images
forever seared into our memories,
We lift up the ashes of our pain,
O Breathing Spirit of the World.
For the charred visions of peace and the dry taste of fear,
We lift up the ashes of our grief,
O Infinite.
For all the deaths that have been justified by turning the love of God
or country into fanatical arrogance,
We lift up the ashes of our shame,
O God.
All As we cast/place these ashes into the troubled water of our times,
Transforming One, hear our plea:
Mn that by your power they will make fertile the soil of our future
Wn and by your mercy nourish the seeds of peace.
The people recite the names of the dead.
The people cast the ashes in silence into the river or a bowl of water.
For the ways humanity pursues violence rather than understanding
We lift up the stones of our anger,
O Breathing Spirit of the World.
For the ways we allow national, religious and ethnic boundaries
to circumscribe our compassion,
We lift up the stones of our hardness,
O Wellspring of Compassion.
For our addiction to weapons and the ways of militarism
We lift up the stones of our fear,
O Source of Life.
For the ways we cast blame and create enemies
We lift up the stones of our self-righteousness,
O God
All As we cast/place these stones into this troubled water,
Transforming One, hear our plea:
Mn Just as water wears away the hardest of stones,
Wn so too may the power of your compassion soften the hardness of our hearts
and draw us into a future of justice and peace.
The people recite the names of the dead.
The people cast the stones in silence into the river or a second bowl of water.
For sowing seeds of justice to blossom into harmony,
We cast/place these flowers into the water,
O Source of Peace.
For seeing clearly the many rainbow colours of humanity and earth,
We cast these flowers into water,
O Infinite.
For calling us to life beyond our grieving,
We cast these flowers into water,
O Breathing Spirit of the World.
All As we cast these flowers into this living water,
Transforming One, hear our plea:
Mn Just as water births life in a desert and gives hope to the wounded,
Wn so too may the power of your nurturing renew our commitment to peace.
The people recite the names of the dead.
The people cast/place the flowers in silence into the river or a bowl of water.
• The above Litany by Rev Patricia Pearce, former pastor of Tabernacle United Church, Philadelphia, and Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director of The Shalom Center.
If Reflecting on War...
“Women Who Bear the Pain Over Life That Is Wasted in War”
By Elizabeth Padillo-Olesen.
Life is conceived in a womb
Protected in a seeming crystal bowl
Blood, love and hope are mingled together
to let this life behold the dawn.
But a sudden flash of light
dropped out of arrogance and might
tranforms this valuable being
into ashes of smoke, if not into
the crippled, and wounded
invalids thoughout their lives.
How the women groan!
How the mothers die a thousand deaths!
When life that is nurtured
from womb to the dawn of light
is shattered in a wasteland.
Sharing 'The Peace'
Let us take a moment to celebrate each other.
May a heart of peace rest with you.
All And also with you. (David Galston/q)
You are invited to share the peace with your neighbours
Facing the person with right hand on your heart and a slight bow of the head…
The Divine in me honours the Divine in you.
The Light in me recognises the Light in you.
The spirit within me sees the spirit within you.
Song/Hymn People stand, as they are able, to sing
“Honour the Dead. Hymn for Anzac Day/Remembrance Day” (Tune: ‘Anzac’, 61 HoS
Honour the dead, our country's fighting brave,
honour our children left in foreign grave,
where poppies blow and sorrow seeds her flowers,
honour the crosses marked forever ours.
Weep for the places ravaged by our blood,
weep for the young bones buried in the mud,
weep for the powers of violence and greed,
weep for the deals done in the name of need.
Honour the brave whose conscience was their call,
answered no bugle, went against the wall,
suffered in prisons of contempt and shame,
branded as cowards, in our country's name.
Weep for the waste of all that might have been,
weep for the cost that war has made obscene,
weep for the homes that ache with human pain,
weep that we ever sanction war again.
Honour the dream for which our nation bled,
held now in trust to justify the dead,
honour their vision on this solemn day:
peace known in freedom, peace the only way. Shirley Erena Murray
"From The Depths Of All Our Yearning" (Tune: ‘Ode to Joy’)
From the depths of all our yearning,
From the heights of all our joy,
From the breadth of all our sorrow,
God as wellspring Love outpours;
Guiding, teaching, filling, meeting,
Reaching us with hope and peace.
Greatest mystery, ground of being,
May your presence never cease.
As we walk this life-long journey,
Be the one close by our side.
May we hear the Spirit’s Wisdom
In our hearts as faithful guide.
When religion all around us
Preaches sin, corruption, shame,
Whisper still to us the beauty
Of the One whose name we claim.
Draw our focus to this moment
So we live abundantly,
Not in future halls of glory
But in ways that keep us free.
Free to live your love in action,
Free to answer when you call,
Free to change the world a fraction
From the horrors that appall.
Give us eyes to see the other,
Give us ears to hear their pain.
Give us hands to reach beyond
The things which merely bring us gain.
May we feel the whole Creation
Groaning, struggling to survive.
Show us how we help or hinder
In its fight to stay alive.
So in conflict, laughter, suffering,
Terror, sorrow, joy and gain,
May we know the God who struggles
With and for us in our pain.
May we feel that Life beside us,
Strength within, and Ground beneath,
Knowing that, through all life’s journey
This great love will never cease. © Val Webb
“May We Cast the Vision” (Tune: ‘King’s Weston’)
Are we not still dreaming
of a world of peace,
where all live in freedom
and all hatred’s ceased?
Are we not still hoping
for a fair new day,
one for which all suffering
long before did fade?
Have we not the knowledge
that can feed each child,
shelter ev’ry family,
nations reconcile?
Have we not the wisdom
to look back and see
all that’s come between us
throughout history?
Can we not be faithful
to the call of love;
all it builds between us,
is that not enough?
Can we not find reasons
to reach out and share –
all we own, together –
all because we care?
On this day, we’re dreaming
of a world made bright,
freed from all its sorrows,
living into light.
May we feel the courage
stirring deep within.
May we cast the vision
and this work begin. (2017 gretta vosper)
People sit
As we bring our offerings forward,
may our whole life move forward,
in good faith,
with good feelings,
and with a good belief about the future. (Francis Macnab/h)
With the Children
Children gather on the conversation mat
"Somewhere someone:"
The kingdom of love is coming because:
All somewhere someone is kind when others are unkind,
somewhere someone shares with another in need,
somewhere someone refuses to hate, while others hate,
somewhere someone is patient - and waits in love,
somewhere someone returns good for evil,
somewhere someone serves another, in love,
somewhere someone is calm in a storm,
somewhere someone is loving everybody.
Is that someone you? (Binkley & McKeel/jke)
In Solidarity
Care Candle:
We are people of all ages who enter this space bringing our joys and concerns.
Joys and Celebrations; Griefs and Concerns shared
Focused Thoughts:
Listening Response:
In caring for one another
All May we be untiring.
In sheltering one another
All May we be strong.
In holding one another
All May we be tender. (Gretta Vosper/ab)
And so we take this flame and light our special care candle...
The Care Candle is lit
For ourselves, for those named or remembered, and in solidarity with those
who have not the freedom to express their concern or celebration
for fear of discrimination or condemnation.
In all our joys and in all our concerns, may we be ever mindful
of the presentness of the sacred among us,
and to see new possibilities of the now.
The 'Abba' Prayer: (Optional)
You are invited to pray in the spirit of the Abba/Lord's Prayer, and in your original language, as that is appropriate
All O God, you love us like a good parent,
and are present in every aspect of our existence
May your nature become known and respected by all
May your joy, peace, wholeness and justice
be the reality for everyone
as we live by the Jesus Way
Give us all that we really need to live every day for you
And forgive us our failures as we forgive others for their failures
Keep us from doing those things which are not of you,
and cause us always to be centred on your love
For you are the true reality in this our now,
and in all our future.
In the Jesus Way we pray. Amen. David Sorrill
Song/Hymn People stand as they are able, to sing
“I Vow to Love my Neighbour, Whatever Race or Creed” (Tune: ‘Thaxted’)
(A hymn for love and unity)
I vow to love my neighbour, whatever race or creed,
to join her in her suffering, to plead with him in need.
This love will always question, will search out right and wrong,
will give itself for justice, for those who don’t belong.
This love will never falter, till every soul is free,
till nations held in bondage can sing of liberty.
Remain standing
Parting Words
The God we worship is never confined to this sacred place.
So go and travel with the God who is found
in ordinary and surprising places.
The Community Candle is extinguished
You are wayfarers, following roads to the end of the earth,
pilgrims on your way to the end of the age.
All We are travellers on the road to freedom,
a community of grace,
with good news for all we meet.
Travel lightly, travel together, learn as you go:
you are disciples, the mission is urgent, the journey is long.
All We will take heart.
When the way is uncertain, shadows are sinister
and dangers threaten,
All we will not be afraid. For we are in God
and God is in us. (Adapt.Philippines/bot)
Words of Blessing
Now may the love of truth guide you,
the warmth of love hold you, and
the spirit of peace bless you,
this day and in the days to come. JMauldin
All Amen. May it be so.
Hymn (Cont) “I Vow to Love my Neighbour, Whatever Race or Creed” (Tune: ‘Thaxted’)
(A hymn for love and unity)
Through scenes of devastation, through famine, drought and war,
we’ll work in ways of gentleness, work hard till we restore
the vision of the people, the hope of human grace,
till nations dwell in peacefulness together in this place;
till all the world together can sing in joyful praise
till all have found communion together in our days. (Andrew E. Pratt. © 2004 Stainer & Bell Ltd.)
The people sit after the song/hymn
'This week' at (NN)
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Significant Events
Journey Candles
Morning tea is now served.
You are invited to share in this time of fellowship.
You are invited to keep this copy of the liturgy and take it home with you
to share with another member of your family, or with a friend
Please include any reproduction of hymns/songs for local church use
on your Music Licence returns, as appropriate
Some of the Resources used in Shaping this Liturgy:
(AA) Alleluia Aotearoa. Hymns and Songs for all churches. Raumati. New Zealand Hymnbook Trust, 1993.
Binkley, C. G. & J. M. McKeel. Jesus and his Kingdom of Equals. An International Curriculum on the Life and Teaching of Jesus. Santa Rosa. Polebridge Press, 2001.
Harrington, D. S. Outstretched Wings of the Spirit. On Being Intelligently and Devotedly Religious. Boston. UUA,1980.
Hilton, D. (ed). 1991. Liturgy of Life. An Anthology. Birmingham. National Christian Education Council.
(HoS) Hope Is Our Song. New Hymns and Songs from Aotearoa New Zealand. Palmerston North. New Zealand Hymnbook Trust, 2009.
Inclusive Readings. Year A. 2004. Brisbane. Inclusive Language Project. In private circulation.
Macnab, F. Hope: The Deeper Longings of the Mind and Heart. Richmond: Spectrum Publications, 1996.
McRae-McMahon, D. Prayers for Life's Particular Moments. Thornbury. DesBooks, 2001.
Patton, K. Services and Songs for the Celebration of Life. Boston: Beacon Press, 1967.
(SNS3) Stuart, G. Singing a New Song. Traditional Hymn Tunes with New Century Lyrics. Volume 3. Toronto. G Stuart, 2011.
(SLT) Singing the Living Tradition. Boston. UUA, 1993.
Vosper, G. 2009/2010. Another Breath. Prayers for Celebration and Reflection. Brisbane. The Centre for Progressive Religious Thought Brisbane.
Winter, Miriam T. Women Prayer. Women Song. Resources for Ritual. Hartford. Meyer Stone Books, 1987.
Web sites/Other:
Beach, Sorrill, Mauldin. UUA Worship Web. Boston. <>
"From the Depths...". Val Webb.
“Keep Wide Your Heart”. Gretta Vosper. Direct from the author
Gretta Vosper. “May We Cast the Vision”. Direct from the author.
David Galston. Quest Learning Centre for Religious Literacy.
Andrew Pratt. “I Vow to Love my Neighbour”. Direct from the author.