Suggestion: ’Refresh’ each page before reading to make sure to get my latest edition
The Other Lectionary’ is a suggested ‘southern hemisphere’ Lectionary (with a few Resources added) offered in parallel to, 
or even replacement of, the RCL which is in standard use by many.


“We are thoroughly nature. To claim otherwise is to attempt to place human beings and everything we do
in some rare unimaginable realm beyond the universe,
thus rendering the power of our origins lost and our obligations vague”

16 June 2024.  Pentecost 4B. (Green).

Acknowledgement of Country/First Peoples
(An act towards reconciliation)

For thousands of years Indigenous people have walked
in this land, on their own country.
Their relationship with the land is at the centre of their lives.

We acknowledge the (NN) People of the (NN) Nation, past, present, emerging,
and their stewardship of this land throughout the ages.

First Peoples Statement to the Nation 2017 is called “Uluru Statement from the Heart”
A Response from Common Dreams5 Conference of Religious Progressives,
Australia/South Pacific 2019
Both can be found in Affirmations/Manifestoes

And we recognise and give thanks that we humans
are creatures of the Earth living in the ecosystem
—flowers, trees and insects; land, waters and mountain range—
that is unique to (NN).
May we honour one another and honour life itself.

(NN) is a safe place for all people to worship regardless of
race, creed, age, cultural background or sexual orientation


Gathering Music

Rich and Striking Visuals
“The function of beauty… is to make us aware of a reality which is richer and deeper 
and more marvellous than anything we can dream or conceive.” (Henry N. Wieman)
OR Floral/Symbols display (cloths, candles, stones, wood, leaves, flowers, earth, water) OR projection of Film/Video

Entry into the Celebration
The gong is sounded three times

We gather in community
to rest from our labours,
to greet our neighbours,
and to open our being to insight and intuition
of that greater reality of which we are a part.

May we find in our time together inspiration and renewal.
May we touch the holy in each other
and be touched by the graciousness of life.
May we find here a calm peacefulness
that will carry us through the days ahead.

We are the sisters and brothers of all that is,
cherishing the earth,
embracing its life.

v2  Let us celebrate the richness and diversity of life.

Lighting of the Community Candle
The Community Candle is lit

Note: Check out 'Special Liturgies’ (this site) for the following:

(i) A suggested process for introducing new hymns is called Hymn of the Month
(ii) Additional Special Purpose Hymns cover major international events or themes. They include these categories: 1. Bush (Brush) Fire, 2. Tsunami, Storms/Cyclones, 3. Earthquakes, 4. War/Remembrance, 5. Caregiving, 6. God as Mother, 7. Human Trafficking, 8. Disabled, 9. Migration/Refugees, 10. Terrorist Attacks, 11. Science/Cosmology
(iii) Specific resources on 
(iv) On 
WonderAwe, and Nature

Hymn/Song People stand as they are able, to sing
Nature’s Beauty” (Tune: ‘Regent Square’, 87.87.47 Extend.)                                               4 SNS3
Nature knows her sounds and movements
Heard and seen each day and night;
All her life in rich abundance
Fills my heart with great delight;
Celebrate with adoration;
Thankful for the world so bright.

Fearsome winds cause trees to whimper;
Storms can force the clouds to cry;
Raindrops, snowflakes dance together;
Sun and moon wink in reply;
Celebrate with adoration
All the wonders of the sky.

Celebrate all hidden textures;
Value all the roots below;
Celebrate all covered spendour;
Value beauty not on show;
Celebrate with adoration;
Thankful for the world we know.

Creatures bold and creatures timid
Offer beauty, each unique;
Trees and flowers paint a picture
On the plain and mountain peak;
Celebrate with adoration;
All revealed for those who seek.

We are blest with such profusion;
Beauty bursts out everywhere;
If we take the time to ponder
We may find a thankful prayer;
Celebrate with adoration
Thankful for the world we share.  (George Stuart)


In The Bulb There Is A Flower” (Tune: “Maria’s Tune”, 87.87D)
In the bulb there is a flower;
in the seed, an apple tree;
in cocoons, a hidden promise;
butterflies with soon be free!
in the cold and snow of winter
there's a spring that waits to be,
unrevealed until its season,
something God alone can see.

There's a song in every silence,
seeking word and melody.
there's a dawn in every darkness,
bringing hope to you and me.
From the past will come the future,
what it holds, a mystery;
unrevealed until its season,
something God alone can see.

In our end is our beginning;
in our time, infinity;
in our doubt there is believing;
in our life, eternity.
In our death, a resurrection;
at the last, a victory,
unrevealed until its season,
something God alone can see.  Natalie A Sleeth
People remain standing

Opening Sentences
In darkness seeds are drawn to germinate,
flowers prepare to bloom and our dreams unfold.
All  Darkness is gift.

In darkness, the edges blur.
Boundaries between reality and fantasy,
between friend and stranger become fluid,
opening new possibilities.
All  Darkness is gift.

In darkness, when our eyes rest, our ears
become more attentive to the sounds
of story, of lullaby, of wind, of loved ones breathing in the night.
All  Darkness is gift.

In the darkness, we find space for reflection;
for deep, dream filled and refreshing sleep.
We are bidden to journey into the unconscious.
All  Darkness is gift.

In the darkness of the womb, we were formed in great complexity. 
Under the cover of darkness, many creatures have their being. 
Only in the deepest darkness, can we see the star- studded sky. 
All  Darkness is a gift of grace.

As we think on the coming shortest day,
may we also celebrate the many gifts of darkness
during this season of winter.   (Adapt. Nancy L Steeves/St Stephen’s Project)


Southern Hemisphere Winter Equinox
v1  Darkness is a blessing.
All   It helps me fall asleep.

v2   Darkness is a blessing.
All  Only when a seed is in the dark will it sprout.

v3  Darkness is a blessing.
All  Some of my best visions come when I close my eyes.

v4  Darkness is a blessing.
All  Only in the darkest parts of the country can I see the stars clearly.

v5  Darkness is a blessing.
All  It brings relief from heat as I cross a desert.

v6  Darkness is a blessing.
All  Only when it is really dark can our body 
produce the hormone melatonin which fights diseases.

v7  Darkness is a blessing.
All  Many animals thrive within the protective cover of darkness.

v8  Darkness is a blessing.
All  We developed in the darkness of our mother's womb.
Truly darkness is a blessing.
  (Charles Bidwell/St Stephen’s Project) 

Words of Awareness
In each moment of this day resides incredible power:
new life,

May this time together empower us to take some new steps
so all our living is transforming and the
yearning of our hearts become reality.


We pray:
Surprising God,
whose love leads us to new experiences,
help us to be open to your presence
among us and within.

Let us sense your glory in the sights
and sounds and celebrations of this winter day.
May it be so.
All   May it be so with us.

Hymn/Song   Celebrate Each Difference“”  (Tune: ‘Intercessor’,
We cannot make an easy, safe distinction,
all people are our neighbours, none denied.
The voices of all nations heard beside us:
all sisters, brothers, none we should deride.

The wall between the peoples has been broken.
In love of God divisions disappear.
As seen in Christ, we recognise our neighbours.
We greet unusual faces without fear.

We celebrate each difference God has given.
Each nation, black and white, both straight and gay,
the able and the challenged, God has offered,
that we might share together, learn and pray

We meet with those who paint a different picture,
who value God in words not yet our own.
In dialogue we offer one another
a vision we could never find alone.

This God we seek is greater than each difference;
the source and ground of all variety,
the centre and the soul of all creation,
erasing hate with love, to set us free.   Andrew Pratt/ea


Colour and Fragrance” (Tune: ‘O Barvy Vune’, 55,55,11,11)                                        78 SLT
Colour and fragrance, magical rhythm,
sweet changing music will change us with them:
life within life, inner light gently glowing,
surely you seem to be God’s vision growing.

O starry heavens, worlds of all splendour,
suns without number, new life engender:
wheel in a wheel with the light brightly glowing,
moving in harmony, God’s vision growing.

Handful of pebbles, high mountain passes,
depths of the ocean, dew on the grasses:
great things and small, with the light gently glowing,
word of the wordless song, God’s vision growing.

Delicate beings, lace-wing and sparrow
in field and forest, clover and yarrow:
life greeting life with the light brightly glowing,
none are too small to be God’s vision growing.

In human eyes burns the soul of living,
illumines altars of loving giving:
greeting, we meet, seeing light brightly glowing,
share in a greater life, God’s vision growing.

Shaper of all things, to us you’ve given
our chance to keep here on earth, a heaven.
Moving in harmony, light gently glowing,
may we be, gratefully, God’s vision growing.  (NFCapek/GUlp)

Or in your own words

A warm welcome is extended to all.
Especially those who are gathering at (NN) for the first time, 
or who have returned after an absence.

Your presence both enriches us and this time of celebration together.
Refer to printed liturgy.
Fellowship hour following the Gathering
Those visiting, please sign our Visitors book.


By Jennifer Brooks. For All That Is Our Life, 56-57.

Two men walked casually, each with a wooden ladder,
carried unceremoniously over the shoulder
as if the long and awkward burden
were no more than a sweatshirt,
or half-full bag, or at most a child of two
draped there for a few laughing moments.

But they went on from one job to another, 
the bucket one held (and waved in careless gesture)
suggesting window-washers headed for the next pane.

The little puzzle of why they carried ladders
along the busy road was nothing to the beauty of their walking,
the unconscious grace  as they kept the long tools in parallel
(all the while talking, shrugging, chuckling)
and seemingly unaware of the swathe they cut
without harm to passers-by.

No pas-de-deux at center stage could capture so lovingly
the rapture of ordinary life made remarkable
by mastery and unselfconscious pride.

Centering Silence
Centering silence has its roots in the earliest of monastic traditions of the ‘desert Fathers (abbas)/Mothers (ammas)’ 
and the Christian mystic tradition… Relaxing into ‘quietness’ creates the space for deep listening and draws you into yourself

Let us now settle into silence and stillness.

Let us attune ourselves to this season called Winter...
Let us listen to the sounds of nature.
Let us get in touch with the rotation of the earth under our feet.
Let us imagine our place on the earth as it rotates around the sun.
Let us ground ourselves on the soil of this sacred place.  (Adapt/Kathleen Glennon/hs)

Music of Celebration


Wisdom from the World/Religious Traditions
“Wisdom is not just special knowledge about something. Wisdom is a way of being, a way of inhabiting the world. 
The beauty of wisdom is harmony, belonging and illumination of thought, action, heart and mind.” (John O’Donohue)

Reader:  Into the silence of our hopes and dreams,
words work upon us to break, crack, open us
to new understanding.
All  May we experience, in these words,
a seeking after truth, that we may lift ourselves
to this same desire.
  (Gretta Vosper/ab)

• "The Wisdom of Science"
By David Rhys Williams. (c3Exchange)

Blessed are they who have vision and wonder enough
to behold a guiding star 
All  in the dark mystery which girdles the earth.

Blessed are they who have imagination enough
to detect the music of celestial voices
All  in the midnight hours of life.

Blessed are they who have faith enough
to contemplate a world of peace and justice
All  in the midst of present wrongs and strife.

Blessed are they who have wisdom enough to know that
All  the kingdom of heaven is very close at hand.


If in Northern Hemisphere
• "Summer Meditation”
Inspired by Burton Carley's 'September Meditation’
(Adapted by Rex A E Hunt) 

I do not know if the seasons remember their history 
or if the days and nights by which we count time 
remember their own passing. 

I do not know if the oak tree remembers its planting 
or if the eucalypt remembers its slow climb toward sun and stars. 

I do not know if the cockatoo remembers yesterday's mob gathering on 'the block’, or 
if the robin remembers the meaning of winter. 

I do not know if the air remembers summer heat
or if the night remembers the moon. 

I do not know if the earth remembers the flowers from last spring,
or if the water remembers a swimmer's splashing delight. 

Perhaps that is the reason for our births:
to be the memory for creation. 

Perhaps this will be the only question we will have to answer: 
'What can you tell me about summer?'

• Mark 4:26-32 (NRSV)
Jesus said,
'The kingdom of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the ground,
and would sleep and rise night and day,
and the seed would sprout and grow,
he does not know how.

'The earth produces of itself,
first the stalk,
then the head,
then the full grain in the head.

'But when the grain is ripe,
at once he goes in with his sickle,
because the harvest has come.'

Jesus also said,
'With what can we compare the kingdom of God,
or what parable will we use for it?

'It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground,
is the smallest of all the seeds on earth.

‘Yet when it is sown it grows up
and becomes the greatest of all shrubs,
and puts forth large branches,
so the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.’

Contemporary Exploration

Silence for Personal Reflection


A Celebration of Faith (Optional)
In response to the word reflected on, let us stand
and share together, a celebration of faith…
People stand as they are able

v1 The creativity of God fills the universe.
v2  Like rain falling upon the earth
and sun warming the rocks,
All the heart of God flows over us all in renewing grace and love.

v1 The generosity of Christ fills our lives.
v2  With company on the journey
and mercy in understanding,
All the Bread, the Way and the Truth set us free to live again.

v1 The faithfulness of the Spirit fills our future.
v2  It surrounds us with a cloud of hope
and lifts our tired feet once more.
All  In courage born of costly life, it calls and sings and dances on.

v1 We are the people of freedom.
v2  We lay down our past in God’s forgiveness.
All  We will walk on into God’s new day.

Sharing 'The Peace'
Let us take a moment to celebrate each other.

May a heart of peace rest with you.
All And also with you. (David Galston/q)
You are invited to share the peace with your neighbours


Facing the person with right hand on your heart and a slight bow of the head…

The Divine in me honours the Divine in you.

The Light in me recognises the Light in you.

The spirit within me sees the spirit within you.

Hymn/Song People stand as they are able, to sing
I Will Talk To My Heart”  (Tune: ‘Stillness’)    69 HoS
I will talk to my heart in the stillness,
I will talk to my heart when I pray,
I will let go of all my resentment
till compassion is my inner Way.
Trust the stillness,
trust the oneness,
trust the Way on inner prayer;
trust the stillness
trust the oneness,
trust the life of God we share.

I will watch all my thoughts in the stillness
I will watch all my thoughts when I pray,
I will watch all the stream of my thinking
till compassion is my inner Way.

I will dwell in the space of my oneness,
I will dwell in that space when I pray,
I will let go of all my divisions
till compassion is my inner Way.
Refrain:   (William L Wallace)
People sit



May the blessings of God bring these gifts to life:
new hope of healing;
fresh ways of coping;
a chance to rest;
a chance to work;
a way to live gracefully.

Conversation with the Children
Children gather on the conversation mat


"Somewhere someone"

The kingdom of love is coming because:
All  somewhere someone is kind when others are unkind,
somewhere someone shares with another in need,
somewhere someone refuses to hate, while others hate,
somewhere someone is patient - and waits in love,
somewhere someone returns good for evil,
somewhere someone serves another, in love,
somewhere someone is calm in a storm,
somewhere someone is loving everybody.
Is that someone you?
 (Binkley & McKeel/jke)

In Solidarity
Care Candle:
We are people of all ages who enter this space
bringing our joys and concerns.
Joys and Celebrations; Griefs and Concerns shared

Focused Thoughts:

Listening Response:
In joy and in sorrow
All  We do not walk alone.  (Gretta Vosper/wwg)

And so we take this flame and light our special care candle...
The Care candle is lit

For ourselves, for those named or remembered, and in solidarity with those
who have not the freedom to express their concern or celebration
for fear of discrimination or condemnation.

In all our joys and in all our concerns, may we be ever mindful
of the presentness of the sacred among us,
and to see new possibilities of the now.

The 'Abba' Prayer:  (Optional)
You are invited to pray in the spirit of the Abba/Lord's Prayer, and in your original language, as appropriate

All  Holy Being,
whom we call by many different names,
Blessed are you.
Blessed are we in you.

May we create with you
a realm of mercy, peace and justice.
May love be done in the here and now
as it is in the infinite.
May we share life in bread and hope.

For our failures to love, we need forgiveness.
May we find the paths of reconciliation.
In the midst of evil's every incarnation,
From the powers that possess our spirits and our structures,
May we find liberation.

In the power that is love, we seek
to live and move and have our being.
May it be so,
now and forever.  
(NancyLSteeves/St Stephen’s Project)


Hymn/Song  People stand as they are able, to sing
"God Molds The Shapes Of Life"  (Tune: 'Little Conard’, 66.66.88)                                38(v1-2) TMT
God molds the shapes of life,
drawing the flow of tides,
firing the sunlight's blaze,
glazing the night with pride:
God gives the love which warms and moves
the patterned rhythm life provides.

Ponder the rising sap
changing to leaf's decay;
think of the winter's death
turning to spring's new day,
and in these cycles find the shapes
of all God dreams and all God makes.
Remain standing

Parting Words
The presentness of God reaches beyond this place...
The Community Candle is extinguished

v1 We give thanks for the life and wonder that thrives within us
All  breath and heartbeat, joy and sorrow, dance and stillness

We give thanks for the life that thrives between us
All  loving, understanding, creating, imagining, embracing and letting go

v2 We give thanks for all the life forms that surround and support us
All  the web of life that feeds and protects us and also needs our care

We give thanks for the life of the future
hidden in the present moment
All  inviting us to walk the path of infinite compassion

v1 We give thanks for the source of all life,
All  this living universe, of which our lives are an expression.  (Ian Lawton/C3Ex)

Words of Blessing
May the blessing of twilight integrate the light and darkness of all. 
May the blessing of [a southern winter] equinox balance and anchor all. 
May the angel of balance support and strengthen all. 
May all of creation be truly blessed with harmony and stability.  (Adapted from Kathleen Glennon) 


Go in peace.

And may the Holy God surprise you on the way,
Christ Jesus be your company
and the Spirit lift up your life.  (wcc/isit)
All  AmenMay it be so.

Hymn/Song (Cont). "God Molds The Shapes of Life"  (Tune: 'Little Conard’, 66.66.88)                 38(v3-4) TMT
Pulse of the veins and lungs,
seasons of human hearts -
patterns that intertwine,
shaping our thought and art;
all these are part of nature's flow -
the life of God we reap and sow.

Sing to the God of change,
chaos, and fine design;
hallow the ordered forms
filled with the life divine.
In God the universe is one
and sings the hymn which God first sung!  William L Wallace
The people sit

'This Week' at (NN)
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Significant Events
Journey Candles


Morning tea is now served.
You are invited to share in this time of fellowship.

You are invited to keep this copy of the liturgy and take it home with you
to share with another member of your family, or with a friend

Please include any reproduction of hymns/songs for local church use
on your Music Licence returns, as appropriate

Some of the Resources used in Shaping this Liturgy:
Binkley, C. G. & J. M. McKeel. Jesus and his Kingdom of Equals. An International Curriculum on the Life and Teaching of Jesus. Santa Rosa. Polebridge Press, 2001.
Duncan, G. (ed). Entertaining Angels. A Worship Anthology on Sharing Christ’s Hospitality. Norwich. The Canterbury Press, 2005.
Glennon, K. Heartbeat of the SeasonsEarth Rituals for the Celtic YearHope Is Our Song. New Hymns and Songs from Aotearoa New Zealand. Dublin: Columba Press, 2005.
(HoS) . Palmerston North. New Zealand Hymnbook Trust, 2009.
Inclusive Readings. Year B. Brisbane. Inclusive Language Project. In private circulation, 2005.
In Spirit and In Truth. A Worship Book. Geneva. World Council of Churches. Seventh Assembly, 1991. 
Iona Community. Iona Abbey Worship Book. Glasgow. Wild Goose Publications, 2001.
Mitchell, R. C. & G. A. Ricciuti. Birthings and Blessings. Liberating Worship Services for the Inclusive Church. New York. Crossroads, 1992.
Pickett, H & E. (ed). For All That Is Our Life. A Meditation Anthology. Boston. Skinner House Books, 2005.
(SLT) Singing the Living Tradition. Boston. UUA, 1993.
The St Hilda Community. The New Women Included. A Book of Services and Prayers. London.  SPCK, 1996
(SNS3) Stuart, G. Singing a New Song. Traditional Hymn Tunes with New Century Lyrics. Volume 3. Toronto. G Stuart, 2011.
Vosper, G. With or Without God. Why the Way we Live is more Important than What we Believe. Canada: Toronto. HarperCollins, 2008.
Vosper, G. Another Breath. Prayers for Celebration and Reflection. Brisbane. The Centre for Progressive Religious Thought Brisbane, 2009/2010.
(TMT) Wallace, W. L. The Mystery Telling. Hymns and Songs for the New Millennium. Kingston. Selah Publishing, 2001.
Wild Goose Worship Group. Present on Earth. Worship Resources on the Life of Jesus. Glasgow. Wild Goose Publications, 2002.

Web sites/Other:
Ian Lawton. C3 Exchange.  
Spring Lake. MI. <>
Nancy L Steeves/Charles Bidwell. Web site: St Stephen's College - Non-Theistic Liturgies. <>, 
"In the Bulb...". Stainer & Bell Ltd.