Singing the ‘Hymn of the Month’
Rex A E Hunt, MSc(Hons)
How can we sing in a strange land... when the Spring festival of new life called Easter 'down under', comes in Autumn, the season of little deaths when leaves turn gold, fall, and the grass has turned from green to brown? Or when the warmth of Christmas is not from some domestic fire in an iron grate, but from the sun high overhead - 38 degrees celsius (102 degrees fahrenheit) and rising?
How to face this contextual problem constructively has exercised my imagination and hopefully, my liturgies, for many years now.
Shaping a distinctive Australian theology is a recurring problem for us in Australia generally, and for those of us who have the communication task of shaping the ‘Sunday morning’ worship experience, specifically. Especially when we are invited, if not expected to, follow a Lectionary and liturgical year shaped in the main by natural European/northern hemisphere seasons, as well as it reflecting an ancient cosmology that is no longer credible…
We believe what we sing. Hymns are religious artefacts created to allow us to speak of our experience of the sacred. They are also historical artefacts. A hymn is not written to be sung once but rather a hundred times. To become part of the familiar, often-used tradition of a living religion. But that is also reason why it is very important to sing new songs/hymns and appropriate ones at that, because those same hymns weren't written to be sung for a hundred years! Our perceptions and experience of the sacred, change. And so too should what we say and sing.
The creation of a Hymn of the Month is an excellent way of introducing new hymns to a congregation, in a way that is not too threatening. A new hymn is chosen each month. The ‘month’ is influenced by both the season of the Lectionary as well as the season of the natural year. The hymn is introduced each week for four or five weeks. Each of the first and second weeks the tune is played through twice – first the melody followed by the harmony - then people are invited to sing on the third time through. Music is available to those who can read music. Words are printed in the Liturgy or projected onto a screen. This is repeated on the third week and following. Usually by the fourth or fifth weeks folk have been able to pick up the tune quite well. The hymn is repeated in the normal selection of hymns about one month later. And so on… A congregation’s repertoire can be greatly improved/broadened by this method.
What follows is 12 years (sample) of the Hymn of the Month as used in an actual local situation. The title of the hymn is given then an indication as to the published collection: hymn number and a key to that collection. Full details of the collection is given at the end of the listing.
Twelve Years of New Hymns For Liturgies
We Gaze In Wonder 30 WNC
When Evenings Shorten 147 HoS
Simply To Be (Altered) 118 HoS
Sing With Me, Friends 40 TEL
God Of The Northerlies 45 HoS
I Will Talk to my Heart 69 HoS
Yahweh 158 HoS
Spirit Of Springtime 59 FFS
Come, Teach Us, Spirit 11 FFS
We Sing Now Together 67 SLT
This Land Of Bursting Sunrise 82 SLT
Nothing Is Lost 50 FFS
Wisdom Far Beyond 157 HoS
On A Cool Autumn Dawn 110 HoS
Where The Light of Easter 58 TEL
As The Wind Song 7 HoS
Beautiful Presence 9 HoS
Named Unnamed 31 SLT
Silent Spring Song 36 TEL
To God The Process 140 HoS
The Pen Is Greater 320 SLT
There Is No Child So Small 133(i) HoS
Climate Is Warming 44 SNS2
Singing Of The Sacred Circle 23 TMT
God Of Diversity 40 HoS
Creative Love 289 SLT
Life Into Life 28b TEL
Further Still (WmF)
Through Winter Cold 139 HoS
Spirit Of Life 123 SLT
How Can We Confine 69 WNC
Come Celebrate 17 HoS
Where Are The Voices 75 FFS
People Are God’s Language 71 SNS2
Down The Ages 2 SLT
From Atoms To Planets 108 WNC
Christ Is Our Peace 16 AA
All Over Creation 3 COC
Our World One World 134 SLT
Imagination Of The Heart 104 RP
Chant For The Seasons 73 SLT
Where Are You Going? 86 RP
Children Of The Human Race 302 SLT (Another tune)
Colour And Fragrance 78 SLT
Now The Star Of Christmas 105 HoS
Music Of Creation 41 AA
Gather The Spirit 347 SLT
The Cosmos Is Revolving 147 RP
God Sets Us On A Journey 32 FFS
Playful God 75 RP
Touch The Earth 301 SLT
Shake Up The Morning 18 HSNW
We Are Not Our Own 317 SLT
Whispering Gently 77 FFS
Jesus Comes To Me 77 AA
You Are Born In Us Again 52 COC
Perfect Singer 332 SLT (Another tune)
May The Mystery Of God 95 AA
When Our Heart… 1008 STJ
Christ Is Alive 15 AA
Come And Find 10ii FFS
Where The Love Of God 76 FFS
We Are Many 67 FFS
Buried In My Being 3 TMT
Great God Many Names 39 WNC
Maker Of Mystery 47 FFS
We Laugh, We Cry 354 SLT
Dream A Dream 12 FFS
God Of Unexplored Tomorrows 27 FFS
Where Is The Room 48 COC
As The Sun Beats Down 2 FFS
In The Singing 38 FFS
As a Chalice Cast in Gold 476 TiS
Song Of Faith 57 FFS
Lithe Spirit You’re Bounding 85 WNC
Inspired By Love And Anger 674 TiS
Travelling The Road 52 EOA
God Who Carved 31 FFS
It All Depends 39 FFS
Let My Spirit 41 FFS
Star Child 40ii COC
Let Justice Roll Down 85 AA
Tree Of Life 307 GA
A Prophet-Woman 696 TiS
O Threefold God 110 AA
A Place At The Table 17 FFS
God Of Our Every Day 52 AA
The Majesty Of Mountains 139 AA
Advent Song 281 GA
Sing A Different Song 62 HSNW
Faith Has Set Us On A Journey 14 FFS
Spirit Of Peace 58ii FFS
God Of All The Galaxies 54 AA
God Of All Time 49 AA
Just As A Lost… 26 TiS
Church Of The Living Christ 19 AA
At The Dawning Of Salvation 392 TiS
Like The Murmur… 419 TiS
Since The World Was Young 544 TiS
In Water We Grow 494 TiS
The Spring Has Come 140 AA
The Bright Wind… 263 TiS
Come To Be Our Hope 688 TiS
Child Of Christmas Story 12 AA
Praise The God 178 TiS
Come Of God 181 TiS
I Shall Praise You O God 36 LA
We Are An Easter People 146 AA
He Came Singing Love 59 AA
There’s A Spirit In The Air 414 TiS
A Touching Place 677 TiS
Sing To Celebrate The City 122 AA
Jesus Calls Us 477 TiS
Where The Road Runs Out 156 AA
A Spend-thrift Lover 676 TiS
Cloth For The Cradle 54 HSNW
All Who Love And Serve Your City 634 TiS
Love Will Be Our Lenten Calling 684 TiS
Ride On, Ride On 24 EOA
Christ Is Risen! 394 TiS
I Dream Of A Church (Special music)
Hymn To Christ The Companion 1 FTS
Our Life Has Its Seasons 113 AA
Spirit Of Love 125 AA
Here In The Busy City 166 AOV2
She Comes Sailing… 51 ISIT
Anna’s Song 55 ISIT
Carol Our Christmas 9 AA
Sing To God 92 TiS
Among Us And Before Us 259 TiS
Sing Of The Lord’s… 183 TiS
Help Us Accept 648 TiS
The Blind Man 579 TiS
Sing A New Song 166 TiS
Colourful Creator 190 TiS
Glory To God, Above 94 TiS
We Are Your People 468 TiS
Who Is The Baby 325 TiS
Long Ago Prophets Knew 283 TiS
Spirit Who Broods 126 AA
Christ Is Alive 387 TiS
Enemy Of Apathy 418 TiS
Gather Us In 474 TiS
Loving Spirit 417 TiS
Take Of Your Shoes 651 TiS
I Am The Church 467 TiS
Touch The Earth Lightly 668 TiS
Light A Candle 286 TiS
Hymn Resources (incl. above)
(i) New Words, New Music…
(AA) Alleluia Aotearoa. Hymns and Songs for all Churches. Raumati. New Zealand Hymnbook Trust, 1993.
(COC) Carol our Christmas. A Book of New Zealand Carols. Raumati. New Zealand Hymnbook Trust, 1996.
(FFS) Faith Forever Singing. Songs for a New Day. Raumati. New Zealand Hymnbook Trust, 2000.
(HoS) Hope is Our Song. New Hymns and Songs from Aotearoa New Zealand. Palmerston North. New Zealand Hymnbook Trust, 2009.
(TEL) Murray, S. E. Touch the Earth Lightly. New Hymns Written between 2003 & 2008. Carol Stream. Hope Publishing, 2008.
(WSJ) Nelson-Pallmeyer, J. & B. Hesle. Worship in the Spirit of Jesus. Theology, Liturgy, and Songs Without Violence. Cleveland. The Pilgrim Press, 2005.
(ii) New Words, Old Music…
(HH) Habel, Norman. Habel Hymns 1. Songs to Celebrate with Creation. Adelaide. Flinders Press, 2004.
(SiF) Kearns, S. (ed). Sing it Forward. Traditional Hymns Recast and Rewritten for Non-exclusive Communities. In circulation from the author, 2009.
(MTH) Pratt, A. More Than Hymns. Words for a Lyrical Faith. London. Stainer & Bell, 2015.
(RP) Pratt, A. Reclaiming Praise. Hymns from a Spiritual Journey. London. Stainer & Bell Ltd., 2006
(WNC) Pratt, A. Whatever Name or Creed. Hymns and Songs. London. Stainer & Bell Ltd., 2002
(SNS) Stuart, G. Singing a New Song. Traditional Hymn Tunes with New Century Lyrics. Volume 1, 2, 3, 4. Toronto. G Stuart, 2009.
(TMT) Wallace, W. L. The Mystery Telling. Hymns and Songs for the New Millennium. Kingston. Selah Publishing, 2001.
(iii) A Mix of New Words with New Music/Old Music…
(AOV2) As One Voice 2. Uniting God's People in Song. Manly Vale. Willow Connection.
(LA) Bell, J. & G. Maule. Love and Anger. Songs of Lively Faith and Social Justice. Glasgow. Wild Goose Publications, 1990.
(EOA) Bell, J. & G. Maule. Enemy of Apathy. Wild Goose Songs Vol. 2. Revised edition. Glasgow. Wild Goose Publications, 1990.
(HSNW) Bell, J. & G. Maule. Heaven Shall Not Wait. Wild Goose Songs Vol. 1. Revised edition. Glasgow. Wild Goose Publications, 1989.
(LFB) Bell, J. & G. Maule. Love from Below. Wild Goose Songs Vol. 3. Glasgow. Wild Goose Publications, 1989.
(FTS) Forward Together Songs. Melbourne. JBCE, 1991.
(GA) Gather Australia. Ashburton. NLMC Publications, 1995.
(ISIT) In Spirit and in Truth. A Worship Book. Geneva. World Council of Churches. Seventh Assembly, 1991.
(STJ) Singing the Journey. Boston. UUA, 2005.
(SLT) Singing the Living Tradition. Boston. UUA, 1993.
(TiS) Together in Song. Australian Hymn Book 2. Sydney. HarperCollins Religious, 1999.
Web sites…
Andrew Pratt Hymns and words blog site. UK.
Stainer & Bell Ltd. Web site:
William Flanders. Sceptics Hymns