Source of life and death, ground of all being,
life itself is the great mystery.
We live and die in the mystery of being from moment to moment.
We pray for ourselves this day:
May we be more kind, tolerant and charitable toward one another
and all with whom we share this globe.
May we be more ready to lend a helping hand,
make someone's life a little easier and happier by what we do or say,
and bequeath a kinder and fairer earth than we received.
May we find compassion for our sisters and brothers,
especially those we often declare as ‘different’.
May we give good memories and receive good memories.
May old wounds be healed.
May joys be celebrated.
Live in us, Spirit of Life, that we may live in you.
We are here because we are people of an active faith.
Within each of us lives the conviction that together
we could restore our broken planet
and illuminate the lives of our sisters and brothers.
But ancient wisdom teaches that we who would seek to restore the planet
must learn to restore the broken structures of our society
and to illuminate the lives of those
our system considers outsiders.
To that end let us commit ourselves this day.
May our time together renew our hope.
May the stories we share refresh our courage.
May the songs we sing lift our spirits.
May the words we speak soften our anger.
May the sound of laughter restore us.
This is our prayer.