Spirit of Life, we come together this Easter morning
to rejoice in the ongoing creation around us and within us.

We come to rejoice, but we also come with concerns... for
our families, our community,
our nation, our world.

On this Easter morning may we discover a joyous and courageous faith
enabling us to set these concerns down.
(Sung response)
Flow'r of compassion
Bloom within, bloom within
Bloom within each heart.

Blossom of love, you
Draw us close, draw us close
Draw us close together.

Delicate fragrance,
Drift beyond, drift beyond
Drift beyond all borders (BHesla/Worship in the spirit of Jesus).

We would remember the teachings of Jesus, whose words and deeds embodied
the outreaching of unconditional love.
And we acknowledge that we yearn to be touched by such love,
but that we are not always ready
to receive it or to give it.

Our fears get in the way.

On this Easter morning may the heavy stones which burden us be rolled away,
releasing our spirits to love and to new life.
(Sung response)

We lament that too often we have not taken time
to search for the beauty of creation hidden around us.
As we allow such beauty to go unnoticed
we have deprived ourselves of occasions for joy and delight.

On this Easter morning may our senses come alive,
ready to respond to all
the beauty,
the harmony,
the fragrance, taste and texture of life around us.
(Sung response)

We give thanks for all the influences in our lives
that have helped us see beyond the present
empowering us to live in hope and trust,
empowering us to see your image
in our brothers and sisters…
May it be so.