This moment of prayer and silent reflection
is an invitation to be calm in the midst
of the noise of the world
and our over-busy lives...
To bring together thought and feeling, mind and spirit,
and to find some centre, some
still point of perspective and peace.
We rejoice in the Spirit of Life around us and in us:
like wind in our faces and breath in our lungs,
like life in dormant daffodils bursting forth in spring.
We remember we are called to appreciate and protect
the whole of creation, always
nurturing and
renewing the earth.
We remember we are called to be in relationship,
living and working with one another,
supporting and healing one another...
We remember we are called into a community,
working for the common good of all,
making choices that bring hope, justice
and freedom to our world...
May we welcome the stranger, offering
support to those who have recently arrived, and
giving comfort to the homesick.
May we promote justice, tolerance, openness and respect, that
ensures lasting peace and racial harmony.
May we change our way of thinking, to stop
protecting our standard of living
at the cost of developing nations and their people's quality of life.
May we be enabled to reverence each person,
to reach out to those in need,
to value and appreciate those who differ from us,
to share the resources of our nation,
to receive the gifts offered to us by people from other cultures.
May we respond boldly.
This is our prayer.
May it be so..